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如何在Anaconda中将python 2.7.8升级到2.7.9而不会在其环境中与其他组件发生冲突?

[英]How do I upgrade python 2.7.8 to 2.7.9 in Anaconda without conflicting other components in its environment?

After successful installation of Anaconda on Windows 7 I realized the default Python version is 2.7.8. 在Windows 7上成功安装Anaconda后,我意识到默认的Python版本是2.7.8。 However I need 2.7.9. 但是我需要2.7.9。 So how do I upgrade? 那我该怎么升级?

Unfortunately, you cannot update Python in the root environment of Anaconda on Windows. 不幸的是,您无法在Windows上的Anaconda根环境中更新Python。 See https://stackoverflow.com/a/29238416/161801 . 请参阅https://stackoverflow.com/a/29238416/161801

Your anaconda installation ships its own package manager conda . 您的anaconda安装包含自己的包管理器conda You can use it for updating python packages and also the python interpreter. 您可以使用它来更新python包以及python解释器。

To update the python interpreter in your default environment, all you have to do is executing the command below from command line: 要在默认环境中更新python解释器,您所要做的就是从命令行执行以下命令:

conda update python

Install newest version of Anaconda from their website. 从他们的网站安装最新版本的Anaconda。 This will upgrade your Anaconda and python as well. 这将升级你的Anaconda和python。 Also, uninstall the previous version of Anaconda. 此外,卸载以前版本的Anaconda。

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