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[英]sequelize table without column 'id'

I have the following sequelize definition of a table:我有以下表的续集定义:

AcademyModule = sequelize.define('academy_module', {
        academy_id: DataTypes.INTEGER,
        module_id: DataTypes.INTEGER,
        module_module_type_id: DataTypes.INTEGER,
        sort_number: DataTypes.INTEGER,
        requirements_id: DataTypes.INTEGER
    }, {
        freezeTableName: true

As you can see there is not an id column in this table.如您所见,此表中没有id列。 However when I try to insert it still tries the following sql:但是,当我尝试插入它时,它仍然会尝试以下 sql:

 INSERT INTO `academy_module` (`id`,`academy_id`,`module_id`,`sort_number`) VALUES (DEFAULT,'3',5,1);

How can I disable the id function it clearly has?如何禁用它明确具有的id功能?

If you don't define a primaryKey then sequelize uses id by default.如果你没有定义一个primaryKey那么 sequelize 默认使用id

If you want to set your own, just use primaryKey: true on your column.如果你想设置你自己的,只需在你的列上使用primaryKey: true

AcademyModule = sequelize.define('academy_module', {
    academy_id: {
        type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
        primaryKey: true
    module_id: DataTypes.INTEGER,
    module_module_type_id: DataTypes.INTEGER,
    sort_number: DataTypes.INTEGER,
    requirements_id: DataTypes.INTEGER
}, {
    freezeTableName: true

If you want to completely disable the primary key for the table, you can use Model.removeAttribute .如果要完全禁用表的主键,可以使用Model.removeAttribute Be warned that this could cause problems in the future, as Sequelize is an ORM and joins will need extra setup.请注意,这可能会在未来导致问题,因为 Sequelize 是一个 ORM,连接需要额外设置。

const AcademyModule = sequelize.define('academy_module', {
    academy_id: DataTypes.INTEGER,
    module_id: DataTypes.INTEGER,
    module_module_type_id: DataTypes.INTEGER,
    sort_number: DataTypes.INTEGER,
    requirements_id: DataTypes.INTEGER
}, {
    freezeTableName: true

For a composite primary key, you should add "primaryKey: true" to all columns part of the primary key.对于复合主键,您应该将“primaryKey: true”添加到主键的所有列部分。 Sequelize considers such columns to be part of a composite primary key. Sequelize 将此类列视为复合主键的一部分。

If your model does not have an ID column you can use Model.removeAttribute('id');如果您的模型没有 ID 列,您可以使用 Model.removeAttribute('id'); to get rid of it.摆脱它。

See http://docs.sequelizejs.com/en/latest/docs/legacy/请参阅http://docs.sequelizejs.com/en/latest/docs/legacy/

So in your case it would be所以在你的情况下它会是

AcademyModule = sequelize.define('academy_module', {
    academy_id: DataTypes.INTEGER,
    module_id: DataTypes.INTEGER,
    module_module_type_id: DataTypes.INTEGER,
    sort_number: DataTypes.INTEGER,
    requirements_id: DataTypes.INTEGER
}, {
    freezeTableName: true

Note: You seem to be making a join table.注意:您似乎正在制作连接表。 Consider making academy_id and module_id primary keys.考虑制作academy_idmodule_id主键。 That way the same link will not be able to appear multiple times, and the database will not create a hidden id column in vain.这样同一个链接就不会出现多次,数据库也不会白白创建隐藏的id列。

In this solution, sequelize adds default primary key with column name id.在这个解决方案中, sequelize添加了带有列名 id 的默认主键。 Add primaryKey: true with your own defined primary key.使用您自己定义的主键添加primaryKey: true

AcademyModule = sequelize.define('academy_module', {
    academy_id: {
        type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
        primaryKey: true
    module_id: DataTypes.INTEGER,
    module_module_type_id: DataTypes.INTEGER,
    sort_number: DataTypes.INTEGER,
    requirements_id: DataTypes.INTEGER
}, {
    freezeTableName: true

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