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[英]changing the bound object in a datatemplate

Data templates are great, but I'm having a problem with binding in a particular situation. 数据模板很棒,但是在特定情况下绑定存在问题。 I have a class, Value, that has various descendants like StringValue , DateValue , etc. These Values show up in a Listbox . 我有一个Value类,它具有StringValueDateValue等各种后代。这些值显示在Listbox This template works fine, binding to a specific property of StringValue: 此模板可以正常工作,并绑定到StringValue的特定属性:

<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type values:StringValue}">
    <TextBox Margin="0.5"
             Text="{Binding Path=Native}" />

However, when I bind to an object itself, instead of a specific property, the changes don't update the object, as in this template: 但是,当我绑定到对象本身而不是特定属性时,更改不会更新该对象,如以下模板所示:

<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type values:LookupValue}">
    <qp:IncrementalLookupBox SelectedValue="{Binding Path=., Mode=TwoWay}"
         LookupProvider="{Binding ElementName=EditWindow, Path=ViewModel.LookupProvider}">

IncrementalLookupBox is a UserControl that ultimately allows a user to select a LookupValue , which should replace the item bound in the template. IncrementalLookupBox是一个UserControl ,它最终允许用户选择LookupValue ,它应该替换模板中绑定的项目。 If this was bound to a simple type like an int or string, the binding would replace the object, so I'm not sure what the difference is with a more complex object. 如果将其绑定到一个简单的类型(例如int或字符串),则该绑定将替换该对象,因此我不确定更复杂的对象有什么区别。 I know that the IncrementalLookBox is working, because binding some textboxes to the properties of SelectedValue (which is a dependency property) shows the correctly selected LookupValue . 我知道IncrementalLookBox可以正常工作,因为将某些文本框绑定到SelectedValue的属性(这是一个依赖属性)会显示正确选择的LookupValue

In case it makes the situation more clear, here is the implementation of SelectedValue: 如果情况变得更加清楚,这里是SelectedValue的实现:

    public LookupValue SelectedValue
        get { return (LookupValue)GetValue(SelectedValueProperty); }
        set { SetValue(SelectedValueProperty, value); }

    // Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for SelectedValue.  This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
    public static readonly DependencyProperty SelectedValueProperty =
        DependencyProperty.Register("SelectedValue", typeof(LookupValue), typeof(IncrementalLookupBox), new PropertyMetadata(OnSelectedValuePropertyChanged));

    private static void OnSelectedValuePropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        var obj = d as IncrementalLookupBox;

    private void OnSelectedValuePropertyChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)


Edit: this does not work. 编辑:这不起作用。 See link in comments below. 请参阅下面评论中的链接。

Make sure your class implements INotifyPropertyChanged and raise PropertyChanaged here: 确保您的类实现了INotifyPropertyChanged并在此处引发PropertyChanaged:

 private void OnSelectedValuePropertyChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
     // RaisePropertyChanged();

My issue is the same as described here: 我的问题与此处描述的相同:

WPF TwoWay Binding of ListBox using DataTemplate WPF使用DataTemplate的ListBox双向绑定

Apparently if I don't write enough text here, my answer will be converted to a comment and not close out the question. 显然,如果我在此处输入的文字不够多,我的答案将被转换为评论,而无法解决问题。 So, to summarize the issue, a two-way Binding=. 因此,总而言之,使用双向Binding =。 in a datatemplate used in a ListBox (or any ItemsControl I image) won't work, because it is not the object itself being bound, but the ListBoxItem that contains it. 在ListBox(或任何ItemsControl I图像)中使用的数据模板中,它将不起作用,因为它不是绑定的对象本身,而是包含它的ListBoxItem。

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