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[英]laravel pivot update column ambigious

Hi have a problem with an update function it says the column updated_at is ambigious and it is. 您好,更新功能有问题,它说一列updated_at是模棱两可的。 how can I make the updated_at to product.updated_at. 我怎样才能将updated_at设置为product.updated_at。 my error. 我的错误。

my call to update: $product->attributes()->wherePivot('id', $attribute['id'])->update($input); 我的更新请求:$ product-> attributes()-> wherePivot('id',$ attribute ['id'])-> update($ input);

my error: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1052 Column 'updated_at' in field list is ambiguous (SQL: update attributes inner join attribute_product on attributes . id = attribute_product . attribute_id set sku = TEST, model = , attribute_product . name = Color, unitprice = 10.00, sellprice = 20.00, discount = 0, active = 0, ordering = 1, updated_at = 2015-03-25 02:44:01 where attribute_product . product_id = 1 and attribute_product . id = 1) 我的错误:SQLSTATE [23000]:完整性约束违规:1052列'的updated_at'在字段列表是不明确的(SQL:更新attributes内部联接attribute_productattributesid = attribute_productattribute_id设置sku = TEST, model =, attribute_productname =色, unitprice = 10.00, sellprice = 20.00, discount = 0, active = 0, ordering = 1, updated_at = 2015年3月25日2点44分01秒,其中attribute_productproduct_id = 1和attribute_productid = 1)

just add the following line to your product model 只需将以下行添加到您的产品模型中

const UPDATED_AT = "product.updated_at";

& attribute_product model &attribute_产品模型

const UPDATED_AT = "attribute_product.updated_at";

update your model updated_at to include table name. 更新模型updated_at以包括表名。

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