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[英]How to invoke a unix script from java?

I want to delete the old log files in log directory. 我想删除日志目录中的旧日志文件。 To delete the log files which are more than 6 months, I have written the script like 要删除超过6个月的日志文件,我编写了如下脚本

find /dnbusr1/ghmil/BDELogs/import -type f -mtime +120 -exec rm -f {} \\; 查找/ dnbusr1 / ghmil / BDELogs / import -type f -mtime +120 -exec rm -f {} \\;

By using this script i am able to delete the old files, but how do I invoke this script by using java? 通过使用此脚本,我可以删除旧文件,但是如何使用Java调用此脚本?

If portability is an issue, preventing you from running with Runtime.exec(), this code is quite trivial to write in Java using File and a FilenameFilter. 如果可移植性是一个问题,使您无法使用Runtime.exec()运行,那么使用Java使用File和FilenameFilter编写此代码非常简单。

Edit: Here is a static method to delete a directory tree... you can add in the filtering logic easily enough: 编辑:这是删除目录树的静态方法...您可以足够容易地在过滤逻辑中添加:

static public int deleteDirectory(File dir, boolean slf) {
    File[]                              dc;                                     // directory contents
    String                              dp;                                     // directory path
    int                                 oc=0;                                   // object count

    if(dir.exists()) {

        if(!dir.canWrite()) {
            throw new IoEscape(IoEscape.NOTAUT,"Not authorized to delete directory '"+dir+"'.");

        if(dp.equals("/") || dp.equals("\\") || (dp.length()==3 && dp.charAt(1)==':' && (dp.charAt(2)=='/' || dp.charAt(2)=='\\'))) {
            // Prevent deletion of the root directory just as a basic restriction
            throw new IoEscape(IoEscape.GENERAL,"Cannot delete root directory '"+dp+"' using IoUtil.deleteDirectory().");

        if((dc=dir.listFiles())!=null) {
            for(int xa=0; xa<dc.length; xa++) {
                if(dc[xa].isDirectory()) {
                    if(!dc[xa].delete()) { throw new IoEscape(IoEscape.GENERAL,"Unable to delete directory '"+dc[xa]+"' - it may not be empty, may be in use as a current directory, or may have restricted access."); }
                else {
                    if(!dc[xa].delete()) { throw new IoEscape(IoEscape.GENERAL,"Unable to delete file '"+dc[xa]+"' - it may be currently in use by a program, or have restricted access."); }

        if(slf) {
            if(!dir.delete()) { throw new IoEscape(IoEscape.GENERAL,"Unable to delete directory '"+dir+"' - it may not be empty, may be in use as a current directory, or may have restricted access."); }
    return oc;

When you only want to call the command you described call: 当您只想调用所描述的命令时,请调用:

Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();
Process process = r.exec("find /dnbusr1/ghmil/BDELogs/import -type f -mtime +120 -exec rm -f {} \\;"); //$NON-NLS-1$

If you want to call more than one command use Chris Jester-Young answer. 如果要调用多个命令,请使用Chris Jester-Young答案。 The exec method can also define files you want to use. exec方法还可以定义您要使用的文件。 The other answers link the method describtion. 其他答案链接方法描述。

Using system calls in Java is possible, but is generally a bad idea because you'll lose the portability of the code. 在Java中使用系统调用是可能的,但是通常是个坏主意,因为您将失去代码的可移植性。 You could look into Ant and use something like this purge task . 您可以调查Ant并使用类似此清除任务的工具

Adding to Crashworks's answer, you call with these arguments in the cmdarray : 添加到Crashworks的答案中,您可以在cmdarray使用以下参数进行cmdarray

new String[] {"find", "/dnbusr1/ghmil/BDELogs/import", "-type", "f",
    "-mtime", "+120", "-exec", "rm", "-f", "{}", ";"}

If your find supports the -exec ... {} + syntax, change the ";" 如果find支持-exec ... {} +语法,请更改";" at the end to "+" . 最后是"+" It will make your command run faster (it will call rm on a batch of files at once, rather than once for each file). 这将使您的命令运行得更快(它将对一批文件一次调用rm ,而不是对每个文件一次调用rm )。

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