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搜索字符串中的序列。 脱氧核糖核酸

[英]Search a sequence in a string. DNA

I need to do a program that separate from 3 to the size of a string and compare to the others sequences of 3 in the same string given. 我需要做一个程序,从3到字符串的大小分开,并与给定的相同字符串中的3个序列进行比较。 I'm going to explain it. 我要解释一下。

User introduce this DNA string = "ACTGCGACGGTACGCTTCGACGTAG" For example. 用户介绍此DNA字符串=“ACTGCGACGGTACGCTTCGACGTAG”例如。 We start with n = 3, this is, we take the first three caracters for comparing in the DNA. 我们从n = 3开始,这就是我们在DNA中进行比较的前三个字符。

The first characters are: "ACT", and we need to compare it with the other sequences of three, like, [CTG,TGC,GCA... until the end]. 第一个字符是:“ACT”,我们需要将它与其他三个序列进行比较,如[CTG,TGC,GCA ......直到结束]。

If we find another sequence equal to "ACT", we save the position. 如果我们发现另一个等于“ACT”的序列,我们保存位置。 Here is another example: 这是另一个例子:

DNA: "ACTGCGACGGTACGCTTCGACGTAG" and we find this sequences in his positions: DNA:“ACTGCGACGGTACGCTTCGACGTAG”,我们发现这个序列在他的位置:

  1. ACG: 7 - 12 - 20 ACG:7 - 12 - 20
  2. CGA: 5 - 18 CGA:5 - 18
  3. GAC: 6 - 19 GAC:6 - 19
  4. GTA: 10 - 22 GTA:10 - 22
  5. CGAC: 5 - 18 CGAC:5 - 18
  6. GACG: 6 - 19 GACG:6 - 19
  7. CGACG: 5 - 18 The number is the position of the start of the sequence: CGACG:5 - 18数字是序列开始的位置:


You can see that the n = 3, increment in 1 when the we end to find by n = 3, the variable pass to n=4, until n = DNA.size(). 你可以看到n = 3,当我们通过n = 3找到时,增量为1,变量传递给n = 4,直到n = DNA.size()。

My problem is that i have one function for divide the string in a little sequences of the DNA, and I do a push_back() for saving in the vector, and then I can see if there is more sequences or not, but i don't know how can i get the position. 我的问题是我有一个函数可以在DNA的一小部分序列中划分字符串,然后我执行push_back()来保存向量,然后我可以看到是否有更多序列,但我不知道我知道怎么能得到这个位置。

I can use the library algorithm, and for sure, in this library there is a function that do this but i don't know so much this library. 我可以使用库算法,当然,在这个库中有一个函数可以做到这一点,但我不太了解这个库。

Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

const size_t taille = DNA.size();

size_t m = 3;
vector<string> v;

struct DNA{
    const string dna;  // chaine saisie pour l'utilisateur
    size_t taille;  // Taille de la chaine
    string chaine;  // Chaine à chercher

// what kind of structs can i create? for me it's stupid to make any struct in this program.

bool checkDNA(string &s);
string takeStrings(const string &s,size_t i, size_t m);
void FindSequenceDNA(vector<string>&s,string sq);
size_t incrementValue(size_t &m);

int main(){

    string DNAuser;
    cout << "Introduce the DNA: ";
    cin >> DNAuser;

    bool request;
    cout << boolalpha;
    request = DNAuser.find_first_not_of("AGCT");
    cout << request << endl;

    vector<string> vectorSq;
    size_t auxiliar = 0;
    string r;
    size_t ocurrencies = DNA.size()-2;
    cout << "DNA: " << DNA << endl;
    while(auxiliar<ocurrencies){        // This gonna be works with the ocurriences, from 1 to end.
        r = takeStrings(DNA,auxiliar,auxiliar+m);

    // string res = takeStrings(DNA,0,3);
    // cout << "res: " << res << endl;
    // cout << "Printing vector: " << endl;

    // I just need to find the other, the practice is almost done.

    for(size_t i = 0; i< vectorSq.size(); i++){
        cout << vectorSq[i] << endl;

    return 0;


string takeStrings(const string &s,size_t i, size_t m){
    string result;
    size_t aux=i;
        cout << "String is empty." << endl;

    return result;

void FindSequenceDNA(vector<string>&s,string sq){
        cout << "DNA invalid." << endl;
        for(size_t i=0;i<s.size();i++){
                cout << "function: " << endl;
                cout << s[i] << endl; // I need to calculate the real position in the string, not in the vector


bool checkDNA(string &s){
    bool res;
    if(s.size()==0 || s.size()<3){
        cout << "DNA invalid" << endl;
        for(size_t i=0;i<s.size();i++){
            if(s[i]=='A' || s[i]=='C' || s[i]=='G' || s[i]=='T')
                res = true;
                res= false;
    return res;

size_t incrementValue(size_t &m){
    return m;

How about: 怎么样:

std::map< std::string, std::vectpr<int> > msvi;
std::size_t len = dna.size();
for(size_t from = 0; from < len; ++from) {
  for(size_t sz = 3; sz < len; ++sz) {
    msvi[ dna.substr(from, sz ].push_back(from);

This creates all strings of size 3 and saves there position in a map. 这将创建大小为3的所有字符串并将其保存在地图中。

Live demo link 现场演示链接

Print only the items with 2 or more instances 仅打印具有2个或更多实例的项目

As you don't want to use std::map , you can construct a trie as shown on this page written in C . 由于您不想使用std::map ,因此可以构建一个如C所示的本页所示的trie。 Change your tree node to: 将树节点更改为:

struct tree_node {
  vector<int> starts;
  struct tree_node *children[26];  /* A to Z */

Based on Mohit's answer but re-uses pointers to possibly, get better performance (vs string.substr) 基于Mohit的答案,但重新使用指针,可以获得更好的性能(vs string.substr)

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

static const char* DNAdata = "ACTGCGACGGTACGCTTCGACGTAG";
static const size_t len = strlen(DNAdata);

vector< vector< string > > uniqueKeys(len);
vector< vector< vector<size_t> > > locations(len);

void saveInfo(const char* str, size_t n, size_t loc) {
   vector<string>& keys = uniqueKeys[n-1];
   vector<vector<size_t> >& locs = locations[n-1];

   bool found = false;
   for (size_t i=0; i<keys.size(); ++i) {
      if (keys[i] == str) {
     found = true;
   if (!found) {
      vector<size_t> newcont;

void printInfo(const char* str) {
   cout << str << endl;
   size_t len = strlen(str);
   vector<string>& keys = uniqueKeys[len-1];
   vector<vector<size_t> >& locs = locations[len-1];
   for (size_t i=0; i<keys.size(); ++i) {
      if (keys[i] == str) {
     vector<size_t>& l = locs[i];
     vector<size_t>::iterator iter = l.begin();
     for (; iter != l.end(); ++iter) {
        cout << *iter << endl;


int main() {
   char* DNA = new char[len+1];
   strcpy(DNA, DNAdata);
   char* end = DNA+len;
   char* start = DNA;
   for (size_t n =3; n<=len; ++n) {
      size_t loc = 0;
      char* p = start;   
      char* e = p+n;
      while (e <= end) {     
     char save = *e;
     *e = 0;
     saveInfo(p++, n, loc++);
     *e = save;
   delete[] DNA;


   return 0;

To print all: 打印全部:

void printAll() {
   for (size_t n=3; n<=len; ++n) {
      cout << "--> " << n << " <--" << endl;
      vector<string>& keys = uniqueKeys[n-1];
      vector<vector<size_t> >& locs = locations[n-1];
      for (size_t i=0; i<keys.size(); ++i) {
     cout << keys[i] << endl;
     vector<size_t>& l = locs[i];
     vector<size_t>::iterator iter = l.begin();
     for (; iter != l.end(); ++iter) {
        cout << *iter << endl;

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