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[英]Nested @Transactional methods with @Async

I'm using Spring with JPA. 我正在使用Spring和JPA。 I have @EnableAsync and @EnableTransactionManagement turned on. 我打开了@EnableAsync@EnableTransactionManagement In my user registration service method, I have a few other service methods I call that are annotated @Async . 在我的用户注册服务方法中,我有一些我称之为@Async其他服务方法。 These methods do various things like sending a welcome email and registering the newly minted user with our third party payment system. 这些方法可以执行各种操作,例如发送欢迎电子邮件以及使用我们的第三方支付系统注册新创建的用户。

Everything works well until I want to verify that the third party payment system successfully created the user. 一切正常,直到我想验证第三方支付系统是否成功创建了用户。 At that point, the @Async method attempts to create a UserAccount (that references the newly minted User ) and errors out with a javax.persistence.EntityNotFoundException: Unable to find com.dk.st.model.User with id 2017 此时, @Async方法尝试创建UserAccount (引用新创建的User )并使用javax.persistence.EntityNotFoundException: Unable to find com.dk.st.model.User with id 2017输出错误javax.persistence.EntityNotFoundException: Unable to find com.dk.st.model.User with id 2017

The register call looks like this: 注册调用如下所示:

private User registerUser(User newUser, Boolean waitForAccount) {
    String username = newUser.getUsername();
    String email = newUser.getEmail();

    // ... Verify the user doesn't already exist

    // I have tried all manner of flushing and committing right here, nothing works
    newUser = userDAO.merge(newUser);

    // Here is where we register the new user with the payment system.
    // The User we just merged is not /actually/ in the DB
    Future<Customer> newCustomer = paymentService.initializeForNewUser(newUser);
    // Here is where I occasionally (in test methods) pause this thread to wait
    // for the successful account creation.
    if (waitForAccount) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("Exception while creating user account!", e);

    // Do some other things that may or may not be @Aysnc

    return newUser;

The payment service calls out to do its work of registering the user and looks like this: 支付服务呼叫完成注册用户的工作,如下所示:

@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
public Future<Customer> initializeForNewUser(User newUser) {
    // ... Set up customerParams

    Customer newCustomer = null;
    try {
        newCustomer = Customer.create(customerParams);

        UserAccount newAccount = new UserAccount();

        // When merging, JPA cannot find the newUser object in the DB and complains
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("Error while creating UserAccount!", e);
        throw e;

    return new AsyncResult<Customer>(newCustomer);

The StackOverflow answer listed here suggests that I set a REQUIRES_NEW propagation, which I have done, but with no such luck. 这里列出的StackOverflow答案表明我设置了一个REQUIRES_NEW传播,我已经完成了,但没有这样的运气。

Can anyone point me in the right direction? 谁能指出我正确的方向? I really don't want to have to call the paymentService directly from my controller method. 我真的不想直接从我的控制器方法调用paymentService。 I feel that it should be a service level call for sure. 我觉得这应该是一个服务水平的电话肯定。

Thanks for any help! 谢谢你的帮助!

With Vyncent's help, here is the solution that I arrived at. 在Vyncent的帮助下,这是我到达的解决方案。 I created a new class called UserCreationService and put all of the method that handled User creation in that class. 我创建了一个名为UserCreationService的新类,并将处理User创建的所有方法放在该类中。 Here is an example: 这是一个例子:

public User registerUserWithProfileData(User newUser, String password, Boolean waitForAccount) {

    User registered = userService.createUser(newUser);
    registered = userService.processNewRegistration(registered, waitForAccount);

    return userService.setProfileInformation(registered);

You'll notice that there is NO @Transactional annotation on this method. 你会注意到这个方法没有 @Transactional注释。 This is on purpose. 这是故意的。 The corresponding createUser and processNewRegistration definitions look like this: 相应的createUserprocessNewRegistration定义如下所示:

@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
public User createUser(User newUser) {
    String username = newUser.getUsername();
    String email = newUser.getEmail();

    if ((username != null) && (userDAO.getUserByUsername(username) != null)) {
        throw new EntityAlreadyExistsException("User already registered: " + username);

    if (userDAO.getUserByUsername(newUser.getEmail()) != null) {
        throw new EntityAlreadyExistsException("User already registered: " + email);

    return userDAO.merge(newUser);

@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
public User processNewRegistration(
        User newUser,
        Boolean waitForAccount) 
    Future<UserAccount> customer = paymentService.initializeForNewUser(newUser);
    if (waitForAccount) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("Error while creating Customer object!", e);

    // Do some other maintenance type things...

    return newUser;

Vyncent was spot on that transaction management was the issue. Vyncent认为交易管理是个问题。 Creating the other service allowed me to have better control over when those transactions committed. 创建其他服务使我能够更好地控制何时提交这些事务。 While I was hesitant to take this approach initially, that's the tradeoff with Spring managed transactions and proxies. 虽然我最初犹豫不决采取这种方法,但这是与Spring托管交易和代理的权衡。

I hope this helps someone else save some time later. 我希望这可以帮助别人以后节省一些时间。

Make a try by creating a new UserService class to manage user check, like so 尝试创建一个新的UserService类来管理用户检查,就像这样

@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
public User createOrUpdateUser(User newUser) {
    String username = newUser.getUsername();
    String email = newUser.getEmail();

    // ... Verify the user doesn't already exist

    // I have tried all manner of flushing and committing right here, nothing works
    newUser = userDAO.merge(newUser);
    return newUser;

then in the actual class, change 然后在实际的课堂上,改变

private User registerUser(User newUser, Boolean waitForAccount) {
    String username = newUser.getUsername();
    String email = newUser.getEmail();

    // ... Verify the user doesn't already exist

    // I have tried all manner of flushing and committing right here, nothing works
    newUser = userDAO.merge(newUser);

by 通过

private User registerUser(User newUser, Boolean waitForAccount) {
    newUser = userService.createOrUpdateUser(newUser);

The new userService with @Transactional REQUIRES_NEW should force the commit and solve the issue. 带有@Transactional REQUIRES_NEW的新userService应该强制提交并解决问题。

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