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mpiexec 和 python mpi4py 给出等级 0 和大小 1

[英]mpiexec and python mpi4py gives rank 0 and size 1

I have a problem with running a python Hello World mpi4py code on a virtual machine.我在虚拟机上运行 python Hello World mpi4py 代码时遇到问题。

The hello.py code is: hello.py 代码是:

from mpi4py import MPI


size = comm.Get_size()
rank = comm.Get_rank()

print "hello world from process ", rank,"of", size

I've tried to run it using mpiexec and mpirun, but it is not running well.我尝试使用 mpiexec 和 mpirun 运行它,但它运行得不好。 The output:输出:

$ mpirun -c 4 python hello.py 
hello world from process  0 of 1
hello world from process  0 of 1
hello world from process  0 of 1
hello world from process  0 of 1

And from mpiexec:并来自 mpiexec:

$ mpiexec -n 4 python hello.py 
hello world from process  0 of 1
hello world from process  0 of 1
hello world from process  0 of 1
hello world from process  0 of 1

They seem not getting rank and size of comm.他们似乎没有得到通讯的等级和大小。 What can cause this?什么会导致这种情况? How to solve it?如何解决?

mpiexec --version
mpiexec (OpenRTE) 1.6.5

mpirun --version
mpirun (Open MPI) 1.6.5

The system is Ubuntu 14.04 on the Virtal Machine.该系统是虚拟机上的 Ubuntu 14.04。

Any ideas why?任何想法为什么? Thanks!谢谢!

I had the same issue when running the python module emcee .运行 python 模块emcee时我遇到了同样的问题。 It would give me an error:它会给我一个错误:

"ValueError: Tried to create an MPI pool, but there was only one MPI process available. 
Need at least two."

The solution I found for my particular cluster was to use a different MPI.我为我的特定集群找到的解决方案是使用不同的 MPI。 My code worked with intel-mpi and mpich2 but not openmpi .我的代码适用于intel-mpimpich2但不适用于openmpi For this system, all I had to do was switch the MPI.对于这个系统,我所要做的就是切换 MPI。 In my PBS script I used module load mpich2 instead of module load openmpi .在我的PBS脚本中,我使用了module load mpich2而不是module load openmpi In this case mpiexec and mpirun worked correctly.在这种情况下, mpiexecmpirun工作正常。

As suggested above and in this question for C, this has to do with having mpirun coming from a different MPI than mpi4py was linked against.正如上面和 C 的这个问题所建议的那样,这与mpirun来自与mpi4py关联的不同 MPI 有关。

In my case, and I suspect the same is true for many other Python users, this came from having originally installed mpi4py through conda , which pulled a non-system version of MPI into my conda -- ie which mpirun gave a path in my conda environment.就我而言,我怀疑许多其他 Python 用户也是如此,这是因为最初通过conda安装了mpi4py ,它将 MPI 的非系统版本拉入我的conda —— 即which mpirun在我的conda中提供了一个路径环境。

To solve the problem, I ran conda remove mpi4py and then pip install mpi4py , which seemed to rebuild mpi4py against the MPI in the conda environment and solved the issue.为了解决这个问题,我运行conda remove mpi4py然后pip install mpi4py ,这似乎在conda环境中针对 MPI 重建mpi4py并解决了问题。

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