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[英]Swift - Passing closure to method

I just started learning Swift after 2 years away from iOS development and I seem to be stuck into the closure as argument syntax. 在距iOS开发2年后,我才开始学习Swift,而且似乎还因为参数语法而陷入僵局。 I have the following method in a class: 我在课堂上有以下方法:

func onFollwersButtonTouched(cb: () -> Void) {
    self.onFollowingTouchedCb = cb

And I try to set this callback on another class: 我尝试在另一个类上设置此回调:

cell.onFollowersTouchedCb({ () -> Void in


This code does not compile. 此代码无法编译。 The compiler error is: 编译器错误是:

Error:(115, 14) cannot convert the expression's type '() -> Void' to type '() -> Void'

And I have no idea what is going on. 而且我不知道发生了什么。 I have tried the syntax on Apple's Swift book but it was unsuccessful as well. 我曾在Apple的Swift书中尝试过这种语法,但同样没有成功。

You should either call method with closure parameter: 您应该使用闭包参数调用方法:

cell.onFollowersTouched({ () -> Void in


or assign closure to variable: 或将闭包分配给变量:

cell.onFollowersTouchedCb = { () -> Void in


You are currently calling onFollowersTouchedCb with closure parameter, while has no parameters declared. 您当前正在使用闭包参数调用onFollowersTouchedCb ,而没有声明任何参数。

This: 这个:

cell.onFollowersTouchedCb({ () -> Void in


is not setting the closure. 没有设置关闭。 You need to perform an actual assign: 您需要执行实际分配:

cell.onFollowersTouchedCb = {
    // Do something

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