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[英]Git post commit and bash on windows

I want to copy all the *.obj files (ignored by the git, but present in the directory) after commit to a directory. 我想在提交到目录后复制所有* .obj文件(被git忽略,但存在于目录中)。

With this script: 使用此脚本:

branch=$(git rev-parse --symbolic --abbrev-ref HEAD)
echo logging objfiles for $branch
mkdir -p ./OBJ_$branch/
cp -u -f -r *.obj ./OBJ_$branch/

Git says after commit, that "Cannot stat *.obj" Git在提交后说,“无法统计* .obj”

Ia aware of different endlines and this file is saved using PSPad with linux endlines. 我知道不同的结尾行,并且此文件是使用PSPad和Linux结尾行保存的。

Thanks for any help! 谢谢你的帮助!

pwd prints the correct directory. pwd打印正确的目录。

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