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[英]How to easily DB dump to heroku's DB

I have a local db full of data that i want to push to the Heroku's DB in order to populae it. 我有一个充满数据的本地数据库,我想将其推送到Heroku的数据库以填充它。

What is the best way/tools o realize this ? 实现此目的的最佳方法/工具是什么?

Thank you! 谢谢!

您可以编写一个脚本,将当前数据库移植到种子文件中,然后使用heroku run rake db:seed种子文件。

First dump your local database to a dump file: 首先将本地数据库转储到转储文件中:

PGPASSWORD=mypassword pg_dump -Fc --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U myuser mydb > mydb.dump

Replace myuser , mypassword , and mydb with your username, password and database name. myusermypasswordmydb替换为您的用户名,密码和数据库名称。 If there is no password set, leave out the PGPASSWORD=mypassword part. 如果未设置密码,则忽略PGPASSWORD=mypassword部分。

Next, you must place the mydb.dump file in a publicly accessible location, so upload it to an FTP server or Amazon S3 bucket (for example). 接下来,您必须将mydb.dump文件放置在公共可访问的位置,然后将其上传到FTP服务器或Amazon S3存储桶(例如)。

Then on your local machine run: 然后在您的本地计算机上运行:

heroku pg:backups restore 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/me/mydb.dump' HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_COLOR_URL -a appname

Replace HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_COLOR_URL with the URL for your app's database. HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_COLOR_URL替换为应用程序数据库的URL。 If you don't know the URL, you can find it with heroku config | grep HEROKU_POSTGRES 如果您不知道该URL,则可以使用heroku config | grep HEROKU_POSTGRES heroku config | grep HEROKU_POSTGRES . heroku config | grep HEROKU_POSTGRES Replace https://s3.amazonaws.com/me/mydb.dump with the URL where you uploaded the dump file. https://s3.amazonaws.com/me/mydb.dump替换为上载转储文件的URL。 Replace appname with name of your app as defined in Heroku. 用Heroku中定义的应用名称替换应用名称。

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