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[英]Styling Om components

The way to style and Om component is based on how React handles styling. 样式和Om组件的方式基于React处理样式的方式。 It would be a horrible mess to duplicate common CSS rules all over the application so is there a way to define the styles in a function or similar? 在整个应用程序中重复通用的CSS规则将是一团糟,那么是否有一种方法可以在函数或类似物中定义样式?

(defn my-css [] {:border "1px solid #000"})

(defn my-component [state]
  (dom/div #js {:className "the-class-name"
                :style #js (my-css)}))

I've tried using defn and def but I can't find a way to avoid 我试过使用defndef但是我找不到避免的方法

Caused by: clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: JavaScript literal must use map or vector notation

I use: 我用:

(defn create-style [row]
  {:background-color (utils/get-background-color (:task_status row)) :color (utils/get-color (:task_status row))})

But I am using it with "om-bootstrap". 但是我将其与“ om-bootstrap”一起使用。

I have the #js sometimes before the :style map and sometimes after. #js有时在:style映射之前,有时在之后。 I think it depends on what they library is expecting. 我认为这取决于他们图书馆的期望。

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