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[英]How to detect is a window of another process minimized or maximized?

Currently I'm making a small gadget that made in WPF. 目前,我正在制作一个使用WPF制作的小工具。 It shows and hides according to another window's state. 它根据另一个窗口的状态显示和隐藏。

So, let me name that another window be A. When A get shown or maximized, my gadget shows. 因此,我将另一个窗口命名为A。当显示A或最大化A时,我的小工具就会显示。 When A minimized, my gadget hides. 当A最小化时,我的小工具会隐藏。

So, how can I detect the change in state of a window of another process which is not in .NET? 那么,如何检测不在.NET中的另一个进程的窗口状态变化? Btw sorry for my bad English :P 顺便说一句我的英语不好:P

It's only part of the solution. 这只是解决方案的一部分。 If you know the title of the other window: 如果您知道另一个窗口的标题:

Process process = Process.GetProcesses().Where(p => p.MainWindowTitle == "Title of window").SingleOrDefault();
if (process != null) {
      IntPtr wHnd = process.MainWindowHandle;
      Console.WriteLine("Minimized: "  + IsIconic(wHnd));

and: 和:

    [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
    static extern bool IsIconic(IntPtr hWnd);

You'll want to get the HWND from the process you want to reach. 您将要从想要达到的过程中获取HWND。

How to get main window handle from process id? 如何从进程ID获取主窗口句柄?

It requires loading win32 libraries in your C# WPF app like below. 它需要在C#WPF应用程序中加载win32库,如下所示。

How can I use EnumWindows to find windows with a specific caption/title? 如何使用EnumWindows查找带有特定标题/标题的窗口?

Once you have the HWND, you can check the visibility of the app by a combination of the WS_VISIBLE and WS_MAXIMIZE properties. 拥有HWND之后,您可以结合使用WS_VISIBLE和WS_MAXIMIZE属性来检查应用程序的可见性。

How can I check if a window has WS_VISIBLE to set? 如何检查窗口是否设置了WS_VISIBLE? (or if is visible) (或可见)

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