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[英]Getting values from my DataGridView to show on another form - C#

Basically, when I click on the cell, I want to be able to get everything on that row to show up in another form. 基本上,当我单击单元格时,我希望能够使该行中的所有内容以另一种形式显示。

I have this code on my Show Form: 我的显示表单上有以下代码:

 public partial class showTask : Form
    public string TaskID, TaskName, TaskDescription, TaskTimeAndDateCompletion;
    public int TaskPriority;

    public showTask()

    public void ShowTaskChosen()
        showTaskIDRtb.Text = TaskID;
        showTaskNameRtb.Text = TaskName;
        showTaskDescRtb.Text = TaskDescription;
        showTaskPriorityRtb.Text = Convert.ToString(TaskPriority);
        showTaskTimeAndCompletionDate.Text = TaskTimeAndDateCompletion;


And on my DataGridView named tasksViewerDGV in my mainPage Form, I have this to try and get the values to show on another form: 在我的MainPage表单中名为taskViewerDGV的DataGridView上,我尝试使用此方法来获取要显示在另一表单上的值:

private void tasksViewerDGV_CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
        int column = e.ColumnIndex;
        int row = e.RowIndex;

        DataGridView ShowTask = sender as DataGridView;
        if (ShowTask == null)
            return; //If the cell is null, then just return without sending any information

        var cell = ShowTask[column, row];

        if (cell != null)
            DataGridViewRow rows = cell.OwningRow; //Which ever cell is clicked, it gets the row of that cell
            showTask displayTask = new showTask();

            displayTask.TaskID = rows.Cells["taskID"].Value.ToString();
            displayTask.TaskName = rows.Cells["taskName"].Value.ToString();
            displayTask.TaskDescription = rows.Cells["taskDescription"].Value.ToString();
            displayTask.TaskPriority = Convert.ToInt32(rows.Cells["taskPriority"].Value.ToString());
            displayTask.TaskTimeAndDateCompletion = rows.Cells["taskTimeAndDateCompletion"].Value.ToString();


The problems are these: var cell = ShowTask[column, row]; 问题是: var cell = ShowTask[column, row]; as I get the IndexOutOfRange Exception. 当我得到IndexOutOfRange异常。 Furthermore, when debugging it say's -1 on 'row' variable. 此外,在调试时,在“ row”变量上说-1。 Finally, it takes me ages to trigger the event, sometimes I ave to press on the cell title multiple times for it to work. 最后,触发事件花了我很多时间,有时我不得不多次按单元格标题才能使其起作用。 I have no clue what is going on, any light that could come my way would be greatly appreciated. 我不知道发生了什么事,任何能以我的方式出现的光都将不胜感激。

Kind Regards, 亲切的问候,

Kieran 基兰

Try this.. 尝试这个..

 private void dataGridView1_CellValueChanged(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
    if (e.RowIndex != -1)
        string value =  dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[e.ColumnIndex].Value.ToString(); 


CellContentClick event docs says: CellContentClick事件文档说:

This event occurs when the cell content is clicked 单击单元格内容时发生此事件

But cell content means just exactly the content of the cell and not some empty space in the cell. 但是单元格内容仅表示单元格的内容,而不是单元格中的一些空白。 In that case you don't get the event fired. 在这种情况下,您不会触发该事件。

In your context I would use CellMouseClick . 在您的上下文中,我将使用CellMouseClick

However this event is raised also in case you click the row or column headers of the grid. 但是,如果您单击网格的行或列标题,也会引发此事件。 And for these cases the row or column index is -1. 对于这些情况,行或列的索引为-1。

You should have some kind of protection around these invalid values for row and column before trying to use them to find your grid cell. 在尝试使用这些无效值查找网格单元之前,应该对这些无效值进行保护。

private void dgv_CellClickMouse(object sender, 
                                DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e)
    DataGridView dgv = sender as DataGridView;
    int column = e.ColumnIndex;
    int row = e.RowIndex;

    if(column == -1 || row == -1)
        // for debug purpose...
        Console.WriteLine("Not a valid row/column");

    DataGridViewCell cell = dgv[column, row];

    if (cell != null)


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