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[英]How to implement Foreach in my class so I can get each key name and value?

public class Zone
    public string zoneID { get; set; }
    public string zoneName { get; set; }
    public string zonePID { get; set; }

I want to use foreach for Zone, like 我想将foreach用于区域,例如

var zone = new Zone(){zoneId = "001", zoneName = "test"};
foreach(var field in zone)
   string filedName = field.Key;  //for example : "zoneId"
   string filedValue = filed.value; //for example : "001"

I just don't konw how to implement GetEnumerator() in Zone class 我只是不知道如何在Zone类中实现GetEnumerator()

You can't enumerate the properties of a class (in a simple way) 您无法枚举类的属性 (以简单的方式)

Use a string array or string list or a dictionary inside your class. 在类中使用字符串数组或字符串列表或字典。

Note: Indeed it is possible to enumerate the properties of a class using Reflection, but this is not the way to go in your case. 注意:确实可以使用Reflection枚举类的属性,但这不是您要解决的方法。

foreach(var field in zone)
   string filedName = field.zoneID;  //Id of property from Zone Class
   string filedValue = filed.zoneName ; //name of property from Zone Class

You could equip Zone with this method: 您可以使用以下方法为Zone配备:

public Dictionary<string, string> AsDictionary()
  return new Dictionary<string, string>
      { "zoneID", zoneID },
      { "zoneName", zoneName },
      { "zonePid", zonePid },

Then you can foreach that. 然后你就可以foreach说。

Alternatively, you can implement GetEnumerator() as an iterator block where you yield return the three new KeyValuePair<string, string> . 或者,您可以将GetEnumerator()实现为迭代器块,并在其中yield return三个new KeyValuePair<string, string>

I am not saying that this design is particularly recommendable. 我并不是说这种设计特别值得推荐。

Thanks eveyrone! 谢谢eveyrone! It Seems I need to use reflection to achieve the goal. 看来我需要使用反射来达成目标。

System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] pis = zone.GetType().GetProperties();
foreach (var prop in pis)
    if (prop.PropertyType.Equals(typeof(string))) 
        string key = prop.Name;
        string value = (string)prop.GetValue(zome, null);
        dict.Add(key, value); //the type of dict is Dictionary<str,str>

Just don't know wheather this is a good solution. 只是不知道惠特尔,这是一个很好的解决方案。


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