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[英]Nhibernate mapping of Table without Entity

I have a Table And Entity called Software 我有一个称为软件的表和实体

Software 软件

  • Id ID
  • Serial 串行
  • Name 名称
  • LinkedSoftware (This field is in the Entity) LinkedSoftware(此字段位于实体中)

Then I have a Table LinkedSoftware with no Entity 然后我有一个没有实体的表LinkedSoftware

LinkedSofware LinkedSofware

  • BaseSoftwareId (Relationship with Software.Id) BaseSoftwareId(与Software.Id的关系)
  • LinkedSoftwareId (Relationship with Software.Id) LinkedSoftwareId(与Software.Id的关系)

I am struggling to setup my hibernate mapping file, keep getting mapping errors. 我正在努力设置我的休眠映射文件,不断出现映射错误。 I have tried the following with no luck: 我没有运气就尝试了以下方法:

<set name="linkedSoftware" access="field" cascade="all-delete-orphan" table="LinkedSoftware">
  <many-to-many class="Software" column="BaseSoftwareId" />
  <many-to-many class="Software" column="LinkedSoftwareId" />

<many-to-one name="LinkedSoftware" column="BaseSoftwareId"       cascade="save-update" class="Software" />
<many-to-one name="LinkedSoftware" column="LinkedSoftwareId" cascade="save- update" class="Software" />-->

Is there anyone that can please point me in the right direction. 有没有人能指出我正确的方向。 I tried to google but couldnt really find an answer. 我试图用谷歌搜索,但找不到真正的答案。

I think you should make table LinkedSotware an entity, too. 我认为您也应该使表LinkedSotware成为实体。 Then try write your set more like this: 然后尝试像这样编写您的set

 <set name="LinkedSoftware" table="LinkedSoftware">
    <column name="BaseSoftwareId" />
  <one-to-many class="LinkedSoftware" />

But not sure if that is everything, because that will give you into set just the LinkedSoftware instances which have the instance of Software as BaseSoftware . 但是不确定是否全部,因为这会使您仅设置LinkedSoftware实例,该实例的Software实例为BaseSoftware Sorry for my English, hope you understand. 对不起,我的英语,希望您能理解。

And then in LinkedSoftware mapping: 然后在LinkedSoftware映射中:

<many-to-one name="BaseSoftware" class="Software">
<column name="BaseSoftwareId" />

<many-to-one name="LinkedSoftware" class="Software">
<column name="LinkedSoftwareId" />

This NHibernate: Two foreign keys in the same table against same column could help you. NHibernate:在同一表中针对同一列的两个外键可以为您提供帮助。 And I would avoid using many-to-many, I think this would be more flexible. 而且我会避免使用多对多方式,我认为这样会更灵活。 For many-to-many explanation see Nhibernate: How to represent Many-To-Many relationships with One-to-Many relationships? 有关多对多说明,请参见Nhibernate:如何用一对多关系表示多对多关系? .

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