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[英]How is it possible to use a special character (a star) in the “from” field using Perl's sendmail

I am using Perl's SENDMAIL to receive email from my website: 我正在使用Perl的SENDMAIL从我的网站接收电子邮件:

open(SENDMAIL, "|$sendmail") or die "Cannot open $sendmail: $!";
    print SENDMAIL "From: $from\n";
    print SENDMAIL "Subject: $subject\n";
    print SENDMAIL "To: $to\n";
    print SENDMAIL "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
    print SENDMAIL $message;

And I would like to modify the $from variable to be something like this: 我想将$ from变量修改为如下形式:

$from = "&#x2605; David Jones <david.jones@oozicle.com>"

What happens right now is that I just see the ampersand etc., and the star is not shown. 现在发生的是,我只看到&符号等,而没有显示星星。

I know that it is possible to use special characters because I receive spam containing them. 我知道可以使用特殊字符,因为我收到包含特殊字符的垃圾邮件。

Is it possible to do this using SENDMAIL? 是否可以使用SENDMAIL做到这一点?

use Encode qw( encode );

my $name = "\x{2605} David Jones";
my $addr = 'david.jones@oozicle.com';

my $from_header = encode('MIME-Header', $name) . ' <' . $addr . '>';

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