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FORTRAN 77中的*是什么

[英]What is * in FORTRAN 77

I'm using Radau.f Fortran ode-solver and my gfortran complains about the use of * 我正在使用Radau.f Fortran ode-solver,而我的gfortran抱怨使用*

For example in: 例如在:

     *               +TI716*Z6I+TI717*Z7I

what is * standing for? *代表什么? Is it an & such that the line should be: 该行应为&吗?

     &               +TI716*Z6I+TI717*Z7I

Or is it supposed to be a comment or something else? 还是应该发表评论或其他?

An asterisk in column 6 is a line continuation symbol and equivalent to & in fixed form . 第6列中的星号是行继续符号,等效于&固定形式 See here for details. 有关详细信息,请参见此处 In fact, "any character (except a zero or blank)" is valid to indicate a line continuation. 实际上, “任何字符(零或空格除外)”均有效以指示行继续。

An ampersand at the last position (and optionally in the beginning of the next line) does the same for free form Fortran. 对于自由格式的 Fortran,在最后一个位置(也可以在下一行的开头)的&符也是如此。 For fixed form, the second ampersand is mandatory. 对于固定形式,第二个&号是必需的。

An asterisk in the first column, on the other hand, denotes a comment line (as do c and ! ). 另一方面,第一列中的星号表示注释行( c! )。

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