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[英]How to encode for special character?

I am having an issue with my file output. 我的文件输出有问题。 I need to write to a file the character ý and þ. 我需要将字符ý和write写入文件。 I can do this using Convert.ToChar(0253) & Convert.ToChar(0254). 我可以使用Convert.ToChar(0253)和Convert.ToChar(0254)来做到这一点。 This is an old program that I have rewritten in C# from basic+. 这是我从basic +用C#重写的旧程序。 The old program created a simple text file that if opened in wordpad would render the special characters ý & þ. 旧程序创建了一个简单的文本文件,如果在写字板中打开该文件,则会呈现特殊字符ý&þ。 However, when I create the file and open it in wordpad it renders the characters as ý and þ. 但是,当我创建文件并在写字板中打开文件时,它会将字符呈现为½和¾。 Below is the output file opened in both notepad and wordpad. 下面是在记事本和写字板中打开的输出文件。 How can I output the characters so that they will render as ý and þ in both notepad and wordpad? 如何输出字符,以便它们在记事本和写字板中都呈现为ý和?? I have also inserted my code below. 我也在下面插入了我的代码。 Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

This renders fine in notepad like so: 这样可以在记事本中很好地呈现:


However, when opening the file in wordpad it renders like this: 但是,在写字板中打开文件时,其呈现方式如下:


textOut.WriteLine(shortDate + Convert.ToChar(0253) + cRenPer + Convert.ToChar(0254));

You should specify either UTF8 or UTF16 encoding when writing the file. 写入文件时,您应该指定UTF8或UTF16编码。 You can do it like this: 您可以这样做:

StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(<file path>, false, Encoding.UTF8);

You can set the encoding when you define the streamreader 您可以在定义流阅读器时设置编码

StreamWriter textOut = new StreamWriter(new FileStream((dirPath + batchNum + ".REN"),
                                        FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write),

MSDN for this constructor 此构造函数的MSDN

So, as Thorsten Dittmar had suggested I needed to encode the stream-writer as utf8. 因此,正如Thorsten Dittmar所建议的那样,我需要将流编写器编码为utf8。 This allowed the file to be read by the preexisting application as it should be. 这允许现有应用程序按原样读取文件。 Below is the change to the stream-writer class. 下面是对stream-writer类的更改。

 StreamWriter textOut = new StreamWriter((dirPath + batchNum + ".REN"), false, new UTF8Encoding(true));

This is an edit: I ended up modifying the code. 这是一个编辑:我最终修改了代码。 Although the text file ended up being interpreted correctly in word-pad it was still not being read by the legacy application. 尽管文本文件最终在写字板中被正确解释,但旧版应用程序仍未读取该文件。 My modified code is below: 我的修改代码如下:

 StreamWriter textOut = new StreamWriter(new FileStream((dirPath + batchNum + ".REN"),
                                    FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write),

You could write to file using the following code , note the 2nd encoding parameter. 您可以使用以下代码写入文件,请注意第二个编码参数。 This will effect how the file is encoded , which in turn will effect how will ite will be treated by various text editors. 这将影响文件的编码方式,进而影响各种文本编辑器对待ite的方式。

string fileName = "myFile.txt";
using (TextWriter textOut = new StreamWriter(File.OpenWrite(fileName),System.Text.Encoding.Unicode))

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