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[英]iterating items with namespace prefix in XML using DOM4J

The problem is a namespace prefix. 问题是名称空间前缀。 The below is a sample xml code. 以下是示例xml代码。

<rss version="2.0">
            <ed:filing xmlns:ed="http://www.ed.com">
                    <ed:file ed:id="1" ed:file="abc.htm" />
                    <ed:file ed:id="2" ed:file="abc.zip" />
            <ed:filing xmlns:ed="http://www.ed.com">
                    <ed:file ed:id="1" ed:file="cdf.htm" />
                    <ed:file ed:id="2" ed:file="cdf.zip" />

I would parse a xml code with Java and dom4j and print out something like; 我将使用Java和dom4j解析xml代码并打印出类似的内容;

Name    File1    File2
ABC     abc.htm  abc.zip
CDF     cdf.htm  cfd.zip

Here's my Java code; 这是我的Java代码;

SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();
Document document = reader.read( inputFile );           
List<Node> nodes = document.selectNodes("//rss/channel/item");

for (Node node : nodes) {
    ??? How can I access "ed:name" and "ed:file" ???

There are several options, but here is one using XPath and namespace mappings: 有几个选项,但是这里是一个使用XPath和名称空间映射的选项:

    Map<String, String> nc = new HashMap<String, String>() {
            put("ed", "http://www.ed.com");

    System.out.printf("Name\tFile 1\tFile 2\n");
    for (Node node : nodes) {
        XPath xp = document.createXPath(".//ed:name");
        String name = xp.selectSingleNode(node).getText();

        xp = document.createXPath(".//ed:file[@ed:id='1']/@ed:file");
        String f1 = xp.selectSingleNode(node).getText();

        xp = document.createXPath(".//ed:file[@ed:id='2']/@ed:file");
        String f2 = xp.selectSingleNode(node).getText();

        System.out.printf("%s\t%s\t%s\n", name, f1, f2);

A bit annoying that you cannot reuse the XPath instance as in javax.xml.xpath . 有点烦人的是,您不能像javax.xml.xpath那样重用XPath实例。

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