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perl File :: Tail一定时间后未从文件中读取行

[英]perl File::Tail not reading lines from file after certain period

I am having issues understanding why File::Tail FAILS to read the lines from an always updating file with 1000s of transactions, and automatic rollover . 我在理解为什么File :: Tail FAILS不能从具有1000笔事务和自动翻转的始终更新文件中读取行时遇到问题。

It read to a certain extend correctly, but then later slows down, and for a long period even not able to read the lines in the logs. 它可以正确读取一定程度的内容,但随后会变慢,甚至长时间无法读取日志中的行。 I can confirm that the actual log are being populated as when file::tail shows nothing. 我可以确认当file :: tail不显示任何内容时,正在填充实际的日志。

my $file = File::Tail->new(name=>"$name",
                           tail => 1000,

while (defined(my $line=$file->read)) {
    #my $line=$file->read;
    my $xml_string  = "";

    #### Read only one event per line and deal with the XML.
    #### If the log entry is not a SLIM log, I will ignore it.
    if ($line =~ /(\<slim\-log\>.*\<\/slim\-log\>)/) {
    } else {
        not_working for some reason

Can someone please help me understand this. 有人可以帮我理解这一点。 Know that this log file is updated at almost 10MB per second or 1000 events per second for an approximation. 知道此日志文件的更新速度约为每秒10MB或每秒1000个事件。

Should I be handing the filehandle or the File::Tail results some other more efficient way? 我应该处理filehandle还是File :: Tail结果以其他更有效的方式处理?

Seems like there's limitations in File::Tail. 似乎File :: Tail中存在限制。 There's some suggestions around other more direct options (a pipe, a fork, a thread, seeking to the end of the file in perl) discussed in http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=387706 . 关于http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=387706中讨论的其他更直接的选项(管道,派生,线程,在perl中查找文件的末尾),存在一些建议。

My favorite pick is the blocking read from a pipe: 我最喜欢的选择是从管道读取阻塞:

open(TAIL, "tail -F $name|") or die "TAIL : $!";
while (<TAIL>) {

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