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[英]How to fetch tweet video & more than 100 tweets using Twitter Search API

I am using https://api.twitter.com/1.1/search/tweets.json?q= ' . 我正在使用https://api.twitter.com/1.1/search/tweets.json?q= '。 $_POST['keyword'] . $ _POST ['keyword']。 ' to get the tweets of searched keyword. '以获取搜索关键字的推文。

I am able to get till 100 tweets but i need to display full 3,200 tweets. 我最多可以发表100条推文,但我需要显示完整的3200条推文。 how can i do with this? 我该怎么办? how to get video from the tweets? 如何从推文中获取视频?

For videos, Twitter still working on this and for time being video results are not coming in "Search API". 对于视频,Twitter仍在处理此问题,并且暂时在“搜索API”中未显示视频结果。 We can track this here(see at few last comments): https://twittercommunity.com/t/twitter-video-support-in-rest-and-streaming-api/31258/38 我们可以在这里进行跟踪(请参阅最后的评论): https : //twittercommunity.com/t/twitter-video-support-in-rest-and-streaming-api/31258/38

For more than 100 tweets, you can call API for next tweets as per below: 对于100条以上的推文,您可以按照以下方式调用API进行下一条推文:

  1. Find the the highest id( data[data.length - 1].id ) in the twitter results that you just retrieved with your query 在您刚刚通过查询检索的推特结果中找到最高的id( data [data.length-1] .id
  2. perform the same query with the "since_id" option set to the id you just found. 使用“ since_id”选项设置为刚刚找到的ID来执行相同的查询。

Ex: https://api.twitter.com/1.1/search/tweets.json?q=nature&since_id=602821207268921300 例如: https//api.twitter.com/1.1/search/tweets.json? q = nature since_id = 602821207268921300

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