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通过Javascript和PHP SDK保护Facebook登录的安全

[英]Securing Facebook Login through Javascript and PHP SDK

What I'm trying to achieve 我正在努力实现的目标

  1. Javascript checks if the user is logged in or not, if so, send a code (either access_token or signedRequest) to PHP to securely deal with the logging in. Javascript会检查用户是否已登录,如果已登录,则将代码(access_token或signedRequest)发送到PHP以安全地处理登录。
  2. PHP will take the code from javascript and using the app_secret, will make sure the code given from javascript is valid. PHP将从javascript中获取代码,并使用app_secret来确保从javascript提供的代码有效。
  3. Using the PHP SDK I would like to make all my Graph API calls with a appsecret_proof so I can turn on "require proof on all calls" in the FB App. 使用PHP SDK,我想使用appsecret_proof来进行所有Graph API调用,因此可以在FB App中打开“所有调用都需要证明”。

Where I've got to 我要去的地方

1) I currently have javascript that initialises when the page loads, and assuming this particular user is logged in and authenticated in this case, I then have access to the $helper = new FacebookJavaScriptLoginHelper(); 1)我目前拥有在页面加载时初始化的javascript,并且在这种情况下,假设该特定用户已登录并通过身份验证,则可以访问$helper = new FacebookJavaScriptLoginHelper(); class, where I can then get the session and make calls in PHP, I could also pass in the access token directly using $session = new FacebookSession('access token here'); 类,然后可以在其中获取会话并使用PHP进行调用,也可以直接使用$session = new FacebookSession('access token here');传递访问令牌$session = new FacebookSession('access token here'); - great! -太好了!

2) I've got this snippet of PHP that will check the signedRequest property of the JS response that checks against the app_secret - great! 2)我有这个PHP片段,它将检查JS响应的signedRequest属性,该属性针对app_secret进行检查-太好了!

$signed_request = $_POST['signedRequest'];
list($encoded_sig, $payload) = explode('.', $signed_request, 2); 
$secret = "mysecret"; // Use your app secret here

// decode the data
$sig = base64_url_decode($encoded_sig);
$data = json_decode(base64_url_decode($payload), true);
// confirm the signature
$expected_sig = hash_hmac('sha256', $payload, $secret, $raw = true);
if ($sig !== $expected_sig) {
  return null;

//this is the oAuth code.
echo $data['code'];

Where I'm unclear 我不清楚的地方

I'm confused with point 3) in what I'm trying to achieve. 我对要实现的目标的3)感到困惑。

I want to utilise 我想利用

Secure Server-side Calls with appsecret_proof 使用appsecret_proof保护服务器端呼叫

The below snippet using the FB PHP SDK classes works great, it does not send the appsecret_proof . 以下使用FB PHP SDK类的代码片段效果很好,它不会发送appsecret_proof (if the result from the check in 2) is null, I can just bum out the script there, so that's fine.) (如果2中检查的结果为空),我可以在此处将脚本烧坏,这样就可以了。)

$helper = new FacebookJavaScriptLoginHelper();
$session = $helper->getSession();
$request = new FacebookRequest($session, 'GET', '/me');
$response = $request->execute();
$graphObject = $response->getGraphObject();

I could curl that will have the appsecret_proof but is this not possible using the PHP SDK (it's cleaner through there). 我可以卷曲将具有appsecret_proof,但是使用PHP SDK是不可能的(到此为止比较干净)。

curl \
  -F 'access_token=<access_token>' \
  -F 'appsecret_proof=<app secret proof>' \
  -F 'batch=[{"method":"GET", "relative_url":"me"},{"method":"GET", "relative_url":"me/friends?limit=50"}]' \

Maybe? 也许?

Once I've completed 2) I should getLongLivedSession() on the JS SDK short-lived access_token and then validate() using the Facebook\\FacebookSession namespace. 完成2)之后,我应该在JS SDK上进行短暂的access_token的getLongLivedSession()处理,然后使用Facebook\\FacebookSession命名空间进行validate() Is the validate the same as I did in 2)?? 验证与我在2)中所做的相同吗? If I do it that way, can I still turn on the 'Require proof on all calls' in the FB App?? 如果我这样做,是否仍可以在FB App中打开“要求所有通话都提供证明”?

Note: If you down-vote my question, please explain WHY, I'm still none the wiser as to why my last question was down-voted, and thus I can't improve. 注意:如果您不赞成我的问题,请解释为什么。对于我最后一个问题为何不赞成,我仍然不明智,因此我无法改进。

Firstly, there are two security features in the app in Settings->Advanced. 首先,应用程序的“设置”->“高级”中有两个安全功能。

  1. Require app secret for server API calls. 服务器API调用需要应用密码。 Although this isn't done explicitly, you enter the app secret here FacebookSession::setDefaultApplication(Appid, AppSecret), so your app secret is sent through all the server api calls. 尽管未明确完成此操作,但您在此处输入应用程序密钥FacebookSession :: setDefaultApplication(Appid,AppSecret),因此您的应用程序密钥通过所有服务器api调用发送。
  2. Server IP Whitelist - this will ensure that if your app secret is compromised, someone would still need to send the calls through your server (tricky!). 服务器IP白名单-这将确保如果您的应用程序机密受到威胁,仍然有人需要通过您的服务器发送呼叫(很糟糕!)。

Secondly, code wise I run the following to help secure: 其次,在代码方面,我运行以下命令来保护安全:

  1. I run the check in 2) that I mentioned in my question. 我在问题中提到的2)中运行了检查。
  2. I also use the $session->validate() method. 我也使用$ session-> validate()方法。
  3. I then $session->extend the access token. 然后,我$ session->扩展访问令牌。

I believe that this is now secure. 我相信现在是安全的。

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