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[英]Dynamic entity name in JpaRepository?

I'm using spring JpaRepository , and want to provide a generic interface with generic derived SQL queries as follows using el expressions: 我正在使用spring JpaRepository ,并希望使用el表达式提供具有通用派生SQL查询的通用接口,如下所示:

public interface BaseRepo <B> extends CrudRepository<B, Long> {
    @Query("SELECT b FROM #{#entityName} b)
    List<B> findAllB();

class Booking {} //results in "booking"

This works fine! 这样很好! But what if the desired entity contains an underscore? 但是,如果所需实体包含下划线怎么办? How could I define the strategy of how the el expressions translate the entity name? 我如何定义el表达式如何翻译实体名称的策略?

@Table(name = "booking_entity")
class BookingEntity {} //results in "bookingentity", missing underscore!


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