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[英]Scoring my Dice Rolls using c# and Unity

Just trying wanting to be able to score my dice rolls following a rule set. 只是想希望能够按照规则集为骰子得分。 The rules range from making a single 1 rolled worth 100 points and three 1's worth 400, straight flush worth some points and 6x1's worth 8000. 规则的范围包括单注1掷出100分,三注1掷出400分,同花顺赢得一些分,6x1掷出8000分。

Here is the code. 这是代码。

I don't know how to make the code calculate the scores individually 我不知道如何使代码单独计算分数

int[] rollDice(int numDice)
    int[] diceRolls = new int[6];
    //int[] diceRolls = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < NumDice; i++)
        diceRolls[i] = rollSingleDie(6);

    return diceRolls;

//Score the dice rolls in the array
int scoreDiceRolls(int[] rolls)
    int score = 0;

    //TODO: Complete the scoring logic

  // for (int i = 0; i < NumDice; i++)
  // {
  //     if (rolls[i] == 2 && 4)
  //     {
  //         score += 10;
  //     }
  // }

 //  if (rolls[1] == 2)
 //  {
 //      score += 100;
 //  }

    //SIX ONES RULE ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NEED HELP HERE.
    if (rolls[0] == 1)
        if (rolls[1] == 1)
            if (rolls[2] == 1)
                if (rolls[3] == 1)
                    if (rolls[4] == 1)
                        if (rolls[5] == 1)
                            score += 8000;
    // ROLL A ONE RULE = 100 points
    for (int i = 0; i < NumSides; i++)
        if (rolls[i] == 1)
          score += 100;

} }

// int intToCheck = 1;

//foreach (int one in rolls)
//    if (x.Equals(1))
//    {
//        score += 10;
//    }

   // if (rolls[)
 //for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
 //    if (rolls[i] == 1)
 //    {
 //        score += 10;
 //    }

    return score;

Note that when aggregating data in arrays (or any other enumerable) there are a number of helpful functions in System.Linq.Enumerable 请注意,在数组(或任何其他可枚举的)中聚合数据时, System.Linq.Enumerable中有许多有用的功能

    .Take(6) // Just to make sure we get six results
    .All(r => r == 1)) // compare each result to 1
    score += 8000;

Ok, bit of a messy question, but if you are looking for the number of times certain values are recieved I would do the following: 好的,有点麻烦,但是,如果您要查找获得某些值的次数,则可以执行以下操作:

int[] DiceRolls(int noOfRolls, int noOfSides)
   int[] results = new int[noOfSides];
   for (int i = 0; i < noOfRolls; i++)
   return results;

This would allow you to check the number of times a certain value has been rolled. 这将允许您检查某个值被滚动的次数。

Edit: Just to clarify - for 6 1s you would need to do: 编辑:只是为了澄清-对于6 1s,您需要执行以下操作:

int[] rolls = DiceRolls(6, 6);
if (rolls[0] == 6)
   score += 8000;

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