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[英]Finding corresponding State for POIs using skos:broader

I am trying to collect POIs per State in the United States. 我正在尝试在美国每个州收集POI。 The original query was 原始查询为

select distinct ?s ?state 
where { 
?s a dbpedia-owl:Place; dcterms:subject/skos:broader{,9} ?state . 
?state skos:broader  category:Buildings_and_structures_in_the_United_States_by_state . 
filter contains(str(?state),'_in_') . 

The filter portion was to find the US states(shown below) such that, at the end we know each POI belongs to what state. 过滤器部分是找到美国的州(如下所示),以便最终我们知道每个POI属于哪个州。


The approach did not work as I got multiple states for one POI. 该方法不起作用,因为我为一个POI获得了多个状态。 As an example if I run the following query to find the US State for Pentagon 例如,如果我运行以下查询以查找五角大楼的美国州

select distinct ?state 
where { 
dbpedia:The_Pentagon dcterms:subject/skos:broader{,9} ?state . 
?state skos:broader  category:Buildings_and_structures_in_the_United_States_by_state . 
filter contains(str(?state),'_in_') . 

It would result Pentagon being in all states. 五角大楼将处于所有州。 I know this is due skos:broader{,9} but how do I know, the optimum level to set it for. 我知道这是由于skos:broader{,9}但是我怎么知道设置它的最佳水平。 Is there a better approach? 有没有更好的方法?

I am not sure what exactly you are trying to achieve with your queries, I can't get my head around them. 我不确定您要通过查询实现什么目标,我无法理解。 But based on your description, I think you just need places of interest alongside the states they are in. If that is the case, I have written the following query. 但是根据您的描述,我认为您只需要关注景点和它们所在的州即可。如果是这种情况,我已经写了以下查询。

SELECT distinct ?POI ?state WHERE {
    ?POI a dbpedia-owl:Place.
    ?POI dbpedia-owl:location ?location.
    ?location dbpedia-owl:country ?country.
    ?location dbpprop:state ?state.
    filter(?country =dbpedia:United_States)

If you want, you can even go further and describe the place as a building, but I don't think POIs are necessarily buildings. 如果需要,您甚至可以进一步将其描述为建筑物,但我认为POI不一定是建筑物。 But if you want to name them as buildings, then: 但是,如果要将它们命名为建筑物,则:

SELECT distinct ?POI ?state WHERE {
    ?POI a dbpedia-owl:Place.
    ?POI a dbpedia-owl:Building.
    ?POI dbpedia-owl:location ?location.
    ?location dbpedia-owl:country ?country.
    ?location dbpprop:state ?state.
    filter(?country =dbpedia:United_States)

To show the use case, you can filter the ?POI for Pentagon: 为了显示用例,您可以过滤五角大楼的?POI:

SELECT distinct ?POI ?state WHERE {
    ?POI a dbpedia-owl:Place.
    ?POI a dbpedia-owl:Building.
    ?POI dbpedia-owl:location ?location.
    ?location dbpedia-owl:country ?country.
    ?location dbpprop:state ?state.
    filter(?country =dbpedia:United_States)

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