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[英]Where does sys.stdout.write() go to in MRJOB mapper?

mrjob.conf mrjob.conf

    aws_access_key_id: **
    aws_secret_access_key: **
    aws_region: us-east-1
    aws_availability_zone: us-east-1a
    ec2_key_pair: scrapers2
    ec2_key_pair_file: ~/arachnid.pem
    ec2_instance_type: c3.8xlarge
    ec2_master_instance_type: c3.8xlarge
    num_ec2_instances: 3
    python_bin: python2.6
    interpreter: python2.6
    ami_version: 2.4.11
    iam_job_flow_role: EMR_DefaultRole
    jobconf: {"mapred.task.timeout": 600000, "mapred.output.direct.NativeS3FileSystem": false}
    base_tmp_dir: /tmp
    enable_emr_debugging: true
        TZ: America/New_York
    s3_log_uri: s3://mrjob-lists/tmp/logs/
    s3_scratch_uri: s3://mrjob-lists/tmp/
    output_dir: s3://mrjob-lists/output
    ssh_tunnel_is_open: true
    ssh_tunnel_to_job_tracker: true

i am using emr to run the job and my mapper task has: 我正在使用emr来运行这个工作,我的mapper任务有:

print "test"

as well as 以及


However, I cannot find this output in the stdout files on S3. 但是,我在S3上的stdout文件中找不到此输出。 Where is the output written? 输出在哪里写的?

The mapper stdout for a Hadoop 1 job should appear in the S3 logs under /task-attempts/job_#####_##/attempt_#####_##_##/stdout.gz Hadoop 1作业的mapper stdout应出现在/task-attempts/job_#####_##/attempt_#####_##_##/stdout.gz下的/task-attempts/job_#####_##/attempt_#####_##_##/stdout.gz

It does take a little while for these to push to S3. 它们需要一段时间才能推向S3。 If you leave the cluster running you can check the Hadoop JobTracker web interface and make sure it appears locally in logs as well just after the job execution. 如果您使群集保持运行,您可以检查Hadoop JobTracker Web界面,并确保它在作业执行后立即显示在日志中。

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