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[英]How to print Hashmap values in xhtml page

I need your help and assistant in displaying each value in the Hashmap separately in an xhtml page. 在xhtml页面中分别显示Hashmap中的每个值时,我需要您的帮助和助手。 I tried to convert the hashmap to List, but I wasn't successful. 我试图将哈希图转换为List,但未成功。 My code is below: 我的代码如下:

private List<String> selectedTypes = new ArrayList<String>();
// The above list will store the selected types for example:(A,B)

 Map<String, String> typesNames = new HashMap<String,String>(selectedTypes.size());

        typesNames .put("A", "Type A");

        typesNames .put("B", "Type B");

        typesNames .put("C", "Type C");  

    for(String key: selectedTypes)

The result is showing in the console as: Type A Type B 结果在控制台中显示为:Type A Type B

So now my issue is that how to display the above output in the xhtml page in a list? 所以现在我的问题是如何在列表的xhtml页面中显示以上输出?

This should be work for it ; 这应该是可行的;

<c:forEach items="#{yourBean.map}" var="entry">
   <li>Key: #{entry.key}, value: #{entry.value}</li>

----EDIT - - 编辑

    private Map<String, String> typesNames ;
    private List<String> selectedTypes;

    public void fillMap() {
        typesNames = new HashMap<String,String>();

            typesNames .put("A", "Type A");

            typesNames .put("B", "Type B");

            typesNames .put("C", "Type C");
        selectedTypes = new ArrayList<String>(typesNames .keySet());

    public Map<String, String> getMap(){
         return typesNames ;

    public List<String> getKeyList(){
         return selectedTypes;

output ; 输出;

   <h:dataTable value="#{yourBean.selectedTypes}" var="key"> 
            Key: #{key}
            Value: #{yourBean.typesNames[key]}

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