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[英]Listing all org mode todo items in agenda

I am new to emacs and org mode. 我是emacs和org模式的新手。 I have created a .org file and put in a set of TODO tasks. 我创建了一个.org文件,并放置了一组TODO任务。 I have defined the following TODO states in the file 我在文件中定义了以下TODO状态

#+SEQ_TODO: TODO(t@/!) | STARTED(p@/!) | ONGOING(o@/!) | DONE(d@/!) | CANCELLED (x@/!) | DEFERRED(f@/!) | WAITING(w@/!)

When I create the agenda view (by pressing Cc aa), it only shows the items in the TODO state. 当我创建议程视图时(按Cc aa),它仅显示处于TODO状态的项目。 But I want it to display tasks in all TODO states. 但是我希望它在所有TODO状态下显示任务。

I've searched for this on google, and have gone through the documentation for org mode, but could not figure out how to do this. 我已经在google上搜索了此文件,并浏览了组织模式的文档,但不知道如何执行此操作。

Can someone tell me how I could do this? 有人可以告诉我我该怎么做吗?

The agenda lists all active tasks (vs completed ones). 议程列出了所有活动任务(相对于已完成的任务)。

Your problem above is you're putting multiple "pipe" symbols; 上面的问题是您要放置多个“管道”符号。 you must just have ONE, to separate incomplete keywords from completed ones. 您必须只有一个,才能将未完成的关键字与已完成的关键字分开。

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