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在$ state.go之后执行$ window.location.reload(true)

[英]Do $window.location.reload(true) after $state.go

I am developing this Ionic/Cordova App where I have to do a reload after $state.go. 我正在开发此Ionic / Cordova应用程序,在其中必须在$ state.go之后重新加载。 I am doing it like this 我这样做

$state.go('app.menu', {}, {reload: true}).then(function(){

The above code works perfectly fine on a browser, the problem appears when I load it onto an iPhone simulator. 上面的代码在浏览器上可以正常工作,当我将其加载到iPhone模拟器上时出现问题。 The problem is it doesn't go to the specified state ie app.menu . 问题是它没有进入指定状态,即app.menu

But if I remove the $window.location.reload(true); 但是如果我删除$window.location.reload(true); , it does go the state. ,它确实进入了状态。

What do you think is the problem? 您认为出了什么问题?

Edit: If I add a timeout it works, but I don't want that . 编辑:如果我添加一个超时,它可以工作, 但是我不希望这样 Like so 像这样

$state.go('app.menu', {}, {reload: false}).then(function(){
        setTimeout(function() {
        }, 500);

Use $timout without delay. 立即使用$ timout。 It works for me. 这个对我有用。

$timeout(function() {

This worked for me: Source Here . 这对我有用: 在此来源

By design, the views are cached. 通过设计,将视图缓存。 Try cache: false in your state. 尝试缓存:在您的状态下为false

$stateProvider.state('myState', {
    cache: false,
    url : '/myUrl',
    templateUrl : 'my-template.html'

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