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[英]Custom ClassLoader in java for loading jar from hdfs

I want to load a jar from HDFS using custom java URL ClassLoader in my program. 我想在程序中使用自定义Java URL ClassLoader从HDFS加载jar。 I could not find examples on internet. 我在互联网上找不到示例。 I have seen examples that load jars from local file system as mentioned in following thread: 我看到了以下线程中提到的从本地文件系统加载jar的示例:

Custom URLClassLoader 自定义URLClassLoader

Any Suggestions or working example? 有什么建议或可行的例子吗?

Thanks. 谢谢。

this is how you can write your custom class loader. 这就是编写自定义类加载器的方法。 the code is written in scala. 该代码是用scala编写的。 you can convert it into java . 您可以将其转换为java。

class HdfsClassLoaderclassLoader(classLoader: ClassLoader) extends URLClassLoader(Array.ofDim[URL](0), classLoader) {

    def addJarToClasspath(jarName: String) {
        synchronized {
            var conf = new Configuration
            val fileSystem = FileSystem.get(conf)
            val path = new Path(jarName);
            if (!fileSystem.exists(path)) {
                println("File does not exists")
            val uriPath = path.toUri()
            val urlPath = uriPath.toURL()

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