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如何在 Xcode 中停用或隐藏视图?

[英]How to deactivate or hide a view in Xcode?

In a NSView I have a Container View and two NSButton's (see the picture).在 NSView 中,我有一个容器视图和两个 NSButton(见图)。 The NSButton's change the content in the Container View. NSButton 更改容器视图中的内容。 To show a view and hide the other one, I do this:为了显示一个视图并隐藏另一个视图,我这样做:

@IBAction func changeView(sender: NSButton)
    switch sender.id
        case "Button 1" { view1.hidden = true; view2.hidden = false; }
        case "Button 2" { view1.hidden = false; view2.hidden = true; }

It works properly, BUT since in the views there's a lot to draw (fields, buttons and images), switching from a view to another is a little bit (very little) slow.它工作正常,但是因为在视图中有很多要绘制(字段、按钮和图像),从一个视图切换到另一个视图有点(非常少)慢。 And I have the doubt that this method is not the correct one.而且我怀疑这种方法不是正确的方法。

How could I switch from a view to another in a proper way?我怎样才能以适当的方式从一个视图切换到另一个视图?


I'm not sure if it's faster, but it's certainly more convenient to use a tabless NSTabView .我不确定它是否更快,但使用表NSTabView肯定更方便。 That way, you can set up the views in a nib without the confusion of views that seem to overlap.这样,您可以在笔尖中设置视图,而不会混淆似乎重叠的视图。

Hiding should be fine.隐藏应该没问题。 You might want to switch the order so that you always set a view hidden before setting the other view unhidden.您可能希望切换顺序,以便在将其他视图设置为隐藏之前始终将视图设置为隐藏。

You could also remove a view from the view hierarchy ( removeFromSuperview() ) as a way to effectively hide it.您还可以从视图层次结构 ( removeFromSuperview() ) 中删除视图作为有效隐藏它的一种方式。 Be sure that something in your code maintains a strong reference to the view.确保代码中的某些内容保持对视图的强引用。 The view controller does, so that's presumably good enough (assuming you also have a strong reference to the view controller).视图控制器可以,所以这可能已经足够好了(假设您也有对视图控制器的强引用)。

And, yes, putting the views in an NSTabView and having that switch them also works (basically by using one of the above techniques).而且,是的,将视图放在NSTabView并进行切换也可以(基本上通过使用上述技术之一)。

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