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[英]Making a top level python module callable?

Is it possible to perform an action when a top level python package is called from the command line? 从命令行调用顶级python 时是否可以执行操作?

For example, my current structure looks like this: 例如,我当前的结构如下所示:

    | - subdir1 
        | - pyfile.py
        | - pyfile.py
        | - pyfile.py
    | - subdir2
        | - subsubdir1
            | - pyfile.py
            | - pyfile.py
    - __init__ 
    - other.py 

And I can do all the normal stuff. 我可以做所有正常的事情。 eg from MyApp.subdir1 import pyfile . 例如from MyApp.subdir1 import pyfile

However, I'd like to allow users to call the app via its top level name from command line and have it do something 但是,我想允许用户从命令行通过其顶层名称调用该应用程序,并使其执行某些操作

python MyApp [options]

Rather than them having to scope it to a specific module with a main() func 而不是必须使用main()函数将其范围限定到特定模块

python /path/to/MyApp/actions/somemodule.py [options]

Is this at all possible? 这是可能吗?

Try python -m MyApp [options] , where your __init__.py contains a if __name__ == "__main__": block. 尝试使用python -m MyApp [options] ,其中__init__.py包含if __name__ == "__main__":块。

If you want to make that even easier for users, make it so that your setup.py script installs a command (eg /usr/bin/MyApp ) that just contains the following: 如果您想让用户更轻松地进行操作,请执行以下操作,以便setup.py脚本安装仅包含以下内容的命令(例如/usr/bin/MyApp ):

python -m MyApp $@

That way, they don't even have to know it's a Python program. 这样,他们甚至不必知道这是一个Python程序。 All they have to do is call MyApp [options] . 他们所要做的就是调用MyApp [options]

Setuptools can even generate that automatically, it's called an "entry point". Setuptools甚至可以自动生成该文件,称为“入口点”。 See this question for more details on how they work: Explain Python entry points? 有关其工作方式的更多详细信息,请参见此问题: 解释Python入口点?

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