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[英]SQL - Update, Insert Or Instead of Trigger?

In case of updating or inserting value to one of the fields in my table, I would like to check that the value does not contain some chars. 如果将值更新或插入表中的字段之一,我想检查该值是否不包含某些字符。 If it does, don't insert nothing. 如果是这样,请勿插入任何内容。 I did this "Instead of" trigger, but it worked only for inserted rows and not for updated rows . 我做了这个“代替”触发器, 但它仅适用于插入的行,不适用于更新的行 What did I do wrong? 我做错了什么? Did I choose the right trigger for this task? 我是否为此任务选择了合适的触发器?

ALTER TRIGGER trg_MakeSureOfCleanDescription
ON [dbo].[Car]
instead OF INSERT
      DECLARE @CharPosition_Inserted INT;

      SET @CharPosition_Inserted = 0;

      DECLARE @CharPosition_Updated INT;

      SET @CharPosition_Updated = 0;

      SELECT @CharPosition_Inserted = CHARINDEX('<', inserted.Description)
      FROM   inserted

      --select @CharPosition_Updated = CHARINDEX('<', inserted.Description) from 
      IF( @CharPosition_Inserted = 0/*and @CharPosition_Updated = 0*/ )--only if the description is html free, insert it. Otherwise don't insert nothing.
            PRINT 'no html. inserting.'

            INSERT INTO Car
            SELECT [Year],
            FROM   inserted

Thanks. 谢谢。

My code: 我的代码:

you are only checking for the insert action. 您仅在检查插入操作。 The update is treated totally differently and has to be handled in a separate trigger. 更新的处理方式完全不同,必须在单独的触发器中进行处理。 As there are Before and After triggers for insert, so there are before and after triggers for Update and Delete as well. 由于存在用于插入的Before和After触发器,因此也存在用于Update和Delete的Before和After触发器。 In your case you need to create another trigger for the update scenario. 在您的情况下,您需要为更新方案创建另一个触发器。

https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms188601%28v=sql.105%29.aspx https://technet.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/ms188601%28v=sql.105%29.aspx

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