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[英]Backbone get URL parameter

I have a Backbone js app that runs when I go to the URL domain.com/item/1 or domain/item/2` etc. When the app starts I create a new instance of my model and pass it an id which needs to be the last part of the URL. 我有一个Backbone js应用程序,当我转到URL domain.com/item/1或domain / item / 2`等时运行。当该应用程序启动时,我将创建模型的新实例并将其传递给ID是网址的最后一部分。 Is there a way to access this in Backbone? 有没有办法在骨干网中访问它?

I know it's easy to build a router that can access parameters after a hash so I am better of changing my URL to be something like domain.com/item/1#1 ? 我知道构建一个可以在哈希后访问参数的路由器很容易,因此我最好将URL更改为domain.com/item/1#1

I don't know you have a backbone router or not.But that's easily achievable by one of the basic use of Backbone.router . 我不知道您是否有骨干路由器,但这可以通过Backbone.router的基本用法之一轻松实现。 and you do not have to use # or anything.You can access anything between slashes. 而且您不必使用#或其他任何内容。您可以在斜杠之间访问任何内容。

routes: {
  "item/:page":  function(page){
      //page holds the query parameter.

The routes hash maps URLs with parameters to functions on your router (or just direct function definitions, if you prefer), similar to the View's events hash. 路由哈希将带有参数的URL映射到路由器上的功能(如果愿意,也可以直接映射功能),类似于View的事件哈希。 Routes can contain parameter parts, :param, which match a single URL component between slashes; 路由可以包含参数部分:param,它们与斜杠之间的单个URL组件匹配; and splat parts *splat, which can match any number of URL components. 和splat部分* splat,可以匹配任意数量的URL组件。 Part of a route can be made optional by surrounding it in parentheses (/:optional). 路由的一部分可以通过将其括在圆括号中来使其为可选(/:optional)。

Please read the section of Backbone.router in the documentation for detail. 请阅读文档中Backbone.router的部分以获取详细信息。

http://backbonejs.org/#Router http://backbonejs.org/#Router

FYI, passing the query parameter to your model should not be executed when a user start app but when routes is called.otherwise everytime you want to change page,You need to change url and reload the whole page. 仅供参考,在用户启动应用程序时,不应在调用routes时执行将查询参数传递给模型的操作。否则,每次要更改页面时,都需要更改url并重新加载整个页面。

and usually Controller makes model instances which means,You'd better create controller instance with parameters in router and then create a model in the controller.something like this 通常,Controller会创建模型实例,这意味着,最好在router使用参数创建控制器实例,然后在控制器中创建模型。

routes: {
  "item/:page":  function(page){
      var page = new YourNameSpace.Controller.Foo({pageId : page});

//inside of Itempage Controller
initialize : function(){
  this.model = new YourNameSpace.Model.Foo({pageId : this.pageId});

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