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[英]How to detect out of vocabulary word in CMU Sphinx

I am having a problem with the Sphinx voice recognition library for Java. 我在使用Sphinx Java语音识别库时遇到了问题。 I am using it to get input and handle it. 我正在使用它来获取输入并处理它。 In the grammar file , I wrote like this: 在语法文件中,我这样写:

#JSGF V1.0;

grammar hello;

public <sentence> = (play | pause | next | previous);

My grammar is simple , just includes 4 words : "play" , "pause" , "next" , "previous". 我的语法很简单,仅包含四个词:“播放”,“暂停”,“下一个”,“上一个”。 I have used Sphinx to detect them sucessfully . 我已经用Sphinx成功地检测了它们。 But I want my app to show a message like : "Unrecognized word" when I speak some words that do not belong to the grammar. 但是当我说一些不属于语法的单词时,我希望我的应用程序显示类似“无法识别的单词”的消息。 Currently, For example, if I speak to the microphone a not belong to the grammar like :"stop" , it still show up the word that it detects that it is the nearest result. 当前,例如,如果我对麦克风说a不属于语法,例如:“ stop”,它仍然显示检测到它是最接近结果的词。

My code is like this : 我的代码是这样的:

public class SphinxDemo {

    static int i = 1;
    static String resultText;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            URL url;
            if (args.length > 0) {
                url = new File(args[0]).toURI().toURL();
            } else {
                url = SphinxDemo.class.getResource("helloworld.config.xml");


            ConfigurationManager cm = new ConfigurationManager(url);

            Recognizer recognizer = (Recognizer) cm.lookup("recognizer");
            Microphone microphone = (Microphone) cm.lookup("microphone");

            /* allocate the resource necessary for the recognizer */

            /* the microphone will keep recording until the program exits */

            if (microphone.startRecording()) {
                        .println("Say: play|pause|previous|next");

                while (true) {

                            .println("Start speaking. Press Ctrl-C to quit.\n");

                    Result result = recognizer.recognize();
                    if (result != null) {

                        System.out.println("Enter your choise" + "\n");
                        resultText = result.getBestFinalResultNoFiller();
                        System.out.println("You said: " + resultText + "\n");

                    if(!(resultText.equalsIgnoreCase("play") || resultText.equalsIgnoreCase("previous") || resultText.equalsIgnoreCase("pause")||resultText.equalsIgnoreCase("next"))){
                        System.out.println("Unrecognized word\n");

            } else {
                System.out.println("Cannot start microphone.");

        } catch (IOException e) {
            System.err.println("Problem when loading SphinxDemo: " + e);
        } catch (PropertyException e) {
            System.err.println("Problem configuring SphinxDemo: " + e);
        } catch (InstantiationException e) {
            System.err.println("Problem creating SphinxDemo: " + e);


I have tried to add something like this to detect unrecognized word but it does not work: 我试图添加类似这样的东西来检测无法识别的单词,但是它不起作用:

  if(!(resultText.equalsIgnoreCase("play") || resultText.equalsIgnoreCase("previous") || resultText.equalsIgnoreCase("pause")||resultText.equalsIgnoreCase("next"))){
                System.out.println("Unrecognized word\n");


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