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[英]Java: Static Method vs Non Static Method

I'm having a lot of trouble understanding the difference between a static method and a regular method in Java.我在理解 Java 中静态方法和常规方法之间的区别时遇到了很多麻烦。 I understand there are already a lot of questions relating to this, however none I have seen show a side by side comparison of a static and non static method accomplishing the same task.我知道已经有很多与此相关的问题,但是我没有看到显示完成相同任务的静态和非静态方法的并排比较。

This is the static method I have that I'm trying to change to a regular method.这是我尝试更改为常规方法的静态方法。

public static String getString(Scanner sc, String prompt)
    String s = sc.next();
    return s;

And this is where I call it in another class这就是我在另一堂课中称它的地方

String productCode = Validator.getString(sc, "Enter product code: ");

How would I change this to make it a regular method and work when I call it?我将如何更改它以使其成为常规方法并在我调用它时工作?


public String getString(Scanner sc, String prompt)
    String s = sc.next();
    return s;


new Validator(...).getString(sc , "...");

A method can be either static or dynamic (non static ).方法可以是staticdynamic (非static )。 When a method is static , it belongs to the class.当一个方法是static ,它属于类。 When a method is dynamic, it belongs to each specific instance of your class.当方法是动态的时,它属于类的每个特定实例。 That being said, removing the keyword static , creates an instance of your class and calls this method on that object.话虽如此,删除关键字static ,创建类的实例并在该对象上调用此方法。

In terms of code:在代码方面:

public String getString(Scanner sc, String prompt)


// Use the suitable constructor here.
Validator validator = new Validator();

String productCode = validator.getString(sc, "Enter product code: ");

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