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[英]How to add a comment / description in nexus repository

We are using nexus to store our jar files (built using maven build). 我们正在使用nexus存储我们的jar文件(使用maven build构建)。 Currently there is a requirement to store a comment alongside our jar 当前需要在我们的jar旁边存储评论

It is sufficient to add this comment to the summary section or as another column alongside repository path. 将此注释添加到摘要部分或作为存储库路径旁边的另一列就足够了。


The comment should be ideally read as a tag from the pom file. 理想情况下,应将注释作为pom文件中的标记读取。

Please provide suggestions on how this can be done. 请提供有关如何完成此操作的建议。 Is there any plugins already available to do this? 有没有可用的插件来执行此操作?

Attached a screen shot of advanced search section of Nexus GUI. 附加了Nexus GUI的高级搜索部分的屏幕截图。 Using this screen, your customers can make searches. 使用此屏幕,您的客户可以进行搜索。 在此处输入图片说明

  • Provide full project information in individual poms. 在单个poms中提供完整的项目信息。 These are : "name, description, url, inceptionYear, licenses, organization, developers, contributers" 这些是:“名称,描述,URL,inceptionYear,许可证,组织,开发人员,贡献者”
  • The project information taken from poms will be displayed extensively in "site documentation" which you will be generating using maven site . 从poms提取的项目信息将广泛显示在“站点文档”中,您将使用maven site生成该文档。 But in Nexus GUI only basic information will be displayed. 但是在Nexus GUI中,只会显示基本信息。

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