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[英]Why does the if work only sometimes?

I have this code in my project for checking the controller and the action in my .cshtml-file: 我的项目中有以下代码,用于检查控制器和.cshtml文件中的操作:

@if (ViewContext.RouteData.Values["controller"] == "Home" && ViewContext.RouteData.Values["action"] == "Index")
    //Some html

When I open the page at the root ( http://localhost/ ), it shows the given html. 当我从根目录( http:// localhost / )打开页面时,它显示给定的html。 But when I open it with the full link ( http://localhost/Home/Index ) it's not showing up. 但是,当我使用完整链接( http:// localhost / Home / Index )打开它时,它没有显示出来。

When put the variables in the html of the webpage, they are exactly the same. 将变量放在网页的html中时,它们是完全相同的。

Why isn't this working then? 那为什么不起作用呢?

Answer 回答

Use .Equals("") instead of == . 使用.Equals("")代替==

Explanation 说明

ViewContext.RouteData.Values["controller"] is of type object . ViewContext.RouteData.Values["controller"]的类型为object If you want to check the equality of the content, you first need to resolve the underlying type as String . 如果要检查内容的相等性,则首先需要将基础类型解析为String If you use == , then C# doesn't resolve the underlying type before doing the comparison. 如果使用== ,则C#在进行比较之前不会解析基础类型。 When you use Equals() , C# does resolve the underlying type first. 当您使用Equals() ,C#会首先解析基础类型。 Here's why C# needs to know the underlying type. 这就是C#需要知道基础类型的原因。

When you use the == operator, and one of the operands is an object , the check is for reference equality. 当使用==运算符,并且其中一个操作数是object ,检查是否为引用相等。 In your question, it doesn't matter that underlying type is String , because C# doesn't check the underlying type. 在您的问题中,基础类型为String无关紧要,因为C#不会检查基础类型。 If it did check the underlying type, then the == would work, but it doesn't. 如果确实检查了基础类型,则==将起作用,但不会。 It just checks whether the two references are the same. 它只是检查两个引用是否相同。 See MSDN . 参见MSDN

If you really want to use == , then you can tell C# explicitly to use a string comparison. 如果您确实想使用== ,则可以明确告诉C#使用string比较。

  • ViewContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString()
  • (ViewContext.RouteData.Values["controller"] as string)
  • ((string)ViewContext.RouteData.Values["controller"])

It's probably best just to use the Equals(string) method. 最好只使用Equals(string)方法。 C# will figure out on its own that you're working with a String . C#会自己弄清楚您正在使用String In other words, it does matter that the underlying type is a String , because C# resolves the underlying type before calling any method on an object . 换句话说,基础类型是String确实很重要,因为C#在调用object任何方法之前先解析基础类型。 And the comparison will be for content not reference equality, because the underlying type is String . 并且比较将针对内容而不是引用相等,因为基础类型为String See MSDN . 参见MSDN

Fiddle 小提琴

Here is a Fiddle for you. 这是给您的小提琴

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

        @if (ViewContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].Equals("Home") 
             && ViewContext.RouteData.Values["action"].Equals("Index"))

        @if (ViewContext.RouteData.Values["controller"] == "Home" 
             && ViewContext.RouteData.Values["action"] == "Index")

I suggest revert it like this, in case of null 我建议像这样将其还原为null

@if ("Home".Equals(ViewContext.RouteData.Values["controller"]) && "Index".Equals(ViewContext.RouteData.Values["action"]))
    //Some html

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