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[英]Best way for authentication in PHP

What's the best and most secure way to go when writing an authentication library in a model-view-controller way? 在模型 - 视图 - 控制器方式中编写身份验证库时,最好和最安全的方法是什么?

The things that give me a hard time are keeping track of the users activity and remembering users via a cookie or storing sessions in the database? 让我困难的事情是跟踪用户活动并通过cookie记住用户或在数据库中存储会话?

Thanks in advance :). 提前致谢 :)。

If you want to use sessions, you have secure them against attacks like session fixation and session hijacking . 如果您想使用会话,则可以保护它们免受会话固定会话劫持等攻击。

To prevent both you have to ensure that only authenticated requests are allowed to use the session. 要防止这两种情况,您必须确保只允许经过身份验证的请求才能使用该会话。 This is commonly done by chaining as many specific (possibly unique) informations about the client as possible with the session. 这通常通过在会话中尽可能多地链接有关客户端的特定(可能是唯一的)信息来完成。 But as some informations may change on every request (like the IP address), it can be difficult to find good one. 但是由于某些信息可能会在每个请求(如IP地址)上发生变化,因此很难找到好的信息。
This is why it is useful to use the method denoted as Trending . 这就是使用表示为趋势的方法很有用的原因。

Another good protection measure is to swap the session ID periodically. 另一个好的保护措施是定期交换会话ID。 Thus the period for an attack on a valid session ID is smaller. 因此,攻击有效会话ID的时间段较短。

The simplest way to implement it is with PHP SESSIONS. 实现它的最简单方法是使用PHP SESSIONS。

just session_start (); 只是session_start(); near the beginning of your script and you have access to the $_SESSION global array for holding your authentication data. 在脚本开头附近,您可以访问$ _SESSION全局数组来保存身份验证数据。

Depending on the configuration of your server all the data stored in $_SESSION will only be available on the server from which it is hosted (with few exceptions). 根据服务器的配置,存储在$ _SESSION中的所有数据仅在托管它的服务器上可用(除少数例外)。 You can configure it to be saved in a temporary directory, in memcached, or even a database. 您可以将其配置为保存在临时目录,memcached或数据库中。

The only thing that is transmitted between the client and your server is a "session key". 客户端和服务器之间唯一传输的是“会话密钥”。 The key can be passed by cookie or URL-rewrites (which are transparently handled by the start_session output buffer). 密钥可以通过cookie或URL重写传递(由start_session输出缓冲区透明地处理)。

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