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Odoo 8-尝试显示工作流图时出现Odoo客户端JavaScript错误

[英]Odoo 8 - an Odoo client JavaScript error when trying to display workflow diagram

I am using Odoo 8 on Ubunutu. 我在Ubunutu上使用Odoo 8。 When trying to display diagram view for a particular workflow (example Settings->Workflows->Workflows->account.invoice.basic) I am getting an error message: 尝试显示特定工作流程的图表视图时(例如Settings-> Workflows-> Workflows-> account.invoice.basic),我收到一条错误消息:

Odoo Client Error
TypeError: viewclass is not a constructor


or this error when in Debug mode: 或在调试模式下出现此错误:


and the diagram is not displayed. 并且不显示该图。

This is the code snipped from views.js and line 699 is where "new viewclass(...)" is. 这是从views.js中摘录的代码,第699行是“ new viewclass(...)”所在的位置。

do_create_view: function(view_type) {
        // Lazy loading of views
        var self = this;
        var view = this.views[view_type];
        var viewclass = this.registry.get_object(view_type);
        var options = _.clone(view.options);
        if (view_type === "form" && this.action && (this.action.target == 'new' || this.action.target == 'inline')) {
            options.initial_mode = 'edit';
'line 699   var controller = new viewclass(this, this.dataset, view.view_id, options);

I am also getting the same error when trying to see Calendar View, Graph View, Gantt View in Manufacturing->Manufacturing Orders. 尝试在“制造”->“制造订单”中查看“日历视图”,“图形视图”,“甘特图”视图时,我也遇到相同的错误。

Debugging view.js reveals that "this.registry.get_object(view_type)" is returning NULL for view_type='diagram' making viewclass = NULL. 调试view.js时发现“ this.registry.get_object(view_type)”对于view_type ='diagram'返回NULL,从而使viewclass = NULL。

What causes this error and how I can eliminate it? 是什么导致此错误,如何消除该错误?


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