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如何使用NPOI c#将xls文件保存为xlsx文件?

[英]how to save xls file as xlsx file using NPOI c#?

I'm using NPOI to open XLS file, then add some modifications to the XLS file. 我正在使用NPOI打开XLS文件,然后对XLS文件添加一些修改。 at the end i want to save it as XLSX file. 最后我想将其保存为XLSX文件。

i'm using this code to save it as XLS file: 我正在使用此代码将其保存为XLS文件:

using (var fs = new FileStream(Name, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))

Is it possible to save this XLS file as XLSX file using NPOI in C# ? 是否可以在C#中使用NPOI将此XLS文件保存为XLSX文件

Thanks in advance for your response 在此先感谢您的回复

It's an old question, but I've encountered with the similar problem. 这是一个老问题,但我遇到过类似的问题。 This code is using NPOI 2.2.1 from https://npoi.codeplex.com/releases . 此代码使用来自https://npoi.codeplex.com/releases的 NPOI 2.2.1。 This code is based on code from Convert xlsx file to xls using NPOI in c# question, but it converts xls->xlsx, not xlsx->xls. 此代码基于使用C#问题中的NPOI将转换xlsx文件转换为xls的代码,但它转换xls-> xlsx,而不是xlsx-> xls。 Plus it converts styles and fixes bug with ranges. 此外,它还可以转换样式并修复范围错误。 This code works for simple workbooks without charts and other complex stuff. 此代码适用于没有图表和其他复杂内容的简单工作簿。

using NPOI.XSSF.UserModel;
using NPOI.SS.UserModel;
using NPOI.SS.Util;
using NPOI.HSSF.UserModel;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.IO;

namespace XlsToXlsxConverter
    public static class XLSToXLSXConverter
        public static byte[] Convert(Stream sourceStream)
            var source = new HSSFWorkbook(sourceStream);
            var destination = new XSSFWorkbook();
            for (int i = 0; i < source.NumberOfSheets; i++)
                var xssfSheet = (XSSFSheet)destination.CreateSheet(source.GetSheetAt(i).SheetName);
                var hssfSheet = (HSSFSheet)source.GetSheetAt(i);
                CopyStyles(hssfSheet, xssfSheet);
                CopySheets(hssfSheet, xssfSheet);
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                return ms.ToArray();

        private static void CopyStyles(HSSFSheet from, XSSFSheet to)
            for (short i = 0; i <= from.Workbook.NumberOfFonts; i++)
                CopyFont(to.Workbook.CreateFont(), from.Workbook.GetFontAt(i));

            for (short i = 0; i < from.Workbook.NumCellStyles; i++)
                CopyStyle(to.Workbook.CreateCellStyle(), from.Workbook.GetCellStyleAt(i), to.Workbook, from.Workbook);


        private static void CopyFont(IFont toFront, IFont fontFrom)
            toFront.Boldweight = fontFrom.Boldweight;
            toFront.Charset = fontFrom.Charset;
            toFront.Color = fontFrom.Color;
            toFront.FontHeightInPoints = fontFrom.FontHeightInPoints;            
            toFront.FontName = fontFrom.FontName;           
            toFront.IsBold = fontFrom.IsBold;
            toFront.IsItalic = fontFrom.IsItalic;
            toFront.IsStrikeout = fontFrom.IsStrikeout;
            //toFront.Underline = fontFrom.Underline; <- bug in npoi setter

        private static void CopyStyle(ICellStyle toCellStyle, ICellStyle fromCellStyle, IWorkbook toWorkbook, IWorkbook fromWorkbook)
            toCellStyle.Alignment = fromCellStyle.Alignment;
            toCellStyle.BorderBottom = fromCellStyle.BorderBottom;
            toCellStyle.BorderDiagonal = fromCellStyle.BorderDiagonal;
            toCellStyle.BorderDiagonalColor = fromCellStyle.BorderDiagonalColor;
            toCellStyle.BorderDiagonalLineStyle = fromCellStyle.BorderDiagonalLineStyle;
            toCellStyle.BorderLeft = fromCellStyle.BorderLeft;
            toCellStyle.BorderRight = fromCellStyle.BorderRight;
            toCellStyle.BorderTop = fromCellStyle.BorderTop;
            toCellStyle.BottomBorderColor = fromCellStyle.BottomBorderColor;
            toCellStyle.DataFormat = fromCellStyle.DataFormat;
            toCellStyle.FillBackgroundColor = fromCellStyle.FillBackgroundColor;
            toCellStyle.FillForegroundColor = fromCellStyle.FillForegroundColor;
            toCellStyle.FillPattern = fromCellStyle.FillPattern;
            toCellStyle.Indention = fromCellStyle.Indention;
            toCellStyle.IsHidden = fromCellStyle.IsHidden;
            toCellStyle.IsLocked = fromCellStyle.IsLocked;
            toCellStyle.LeftBorderColor = fromCellStyle.LeftBorderColor;
            toCellStyle.RightBorderColor = fromCellStyle.RightBorderColor;
            toCellStyle.Rotation = fromCellStyle.Rotation;
            toCellStyle.ShrinkToFit = fromCellStyle.ShrinkToFit;
            toCellStyle.TopBorderColor = fromCellStyle.TopBorderColor;
            toCellStyle.VerticalAlignment = fromCellStyle.VerticalAlignment;
            toCellStyle.WrapText = fromCellStyle.WrapText;

            toCellStyle.SetFont(toWorkbook.GetFontAt((short)(fromCellStyle.GetFont(fromWorkbook).Index + 1 )));

        private static void CopySheets(HSSFSheet source, XSSFSheet destination)
            var maxColumnNum = 0;
            var mergedRegions = new List<CellRangeAddress>();
            var styleMap = new Dictionary<int, HSSFCellStyle>();
            for (int i = source.FirstRowNum; i <= source.LastRowNum; i++)
                var srcRow = (HSSFRow)source.GetRow(i);
                var destRow = (XSSFRow)destination.CreateRow(i);
                if (srcRow != null)
                    CopyRow(source, destination, srcRow, destRow, mergedRegions);
                    if (srcRow.LastCellNum > maxColumnNum)
                        maxColumnNum = srcRow.LastCellNum;
            for (int i = 0; i <= maxColumnNum; i++)
                destination.SetColumnWidth(i, source.GetColumnWidth(i));

        private static void CopyRow(HSSFSheet srcSheet, XSSFSheet destSheet, HSSFRow srcRow, XSSFRow destRow, List<CellRangeAddress> mergedRegions)
            destRow.Height = srcRow.Height;

            for (int j = srcRow.FirstCellNum; srcRow.LastCellNum >= 0 && j <= srcRow.LastCellNum; j++)
                var oldCell = (HSSFCell)srcRow.GetCell(j);
                var newCell = (XSSFCell)destRow.GetCell(j);
                if (oldCell != null)
                    if (newCell == null)
                        newCell = (XSSFCell)destRow.CreateCell(j);

                    CopyCell(oldCell, newCell);

                    var mergedRegion = GetMergedRegion(srcSheet, srcRow.RowNum,

                    if (mergedRegion != null)
                        var newMergedRegion = new CellRangeAddress(mergedRegion.FirstRow,
                                mergedRegion.LastRow, mergedRegion.FirstColumn, mergedRegion.LastColumn);
                        if (IsNewMergedRegion(newMergedRegion, mergedRegions))

        private static void CopyCell(HSSFCell oldCell, XSSFCell newCell)
            CopyCellStyle(oldCell, newCell);

            CopyCellValue(oldCell, newCell);

        private static void CopyCellValue(HSSFCell oldCell, XSSFCell newCell)
            switch (oldCell.CellType)
                case CellType.String:
                case CellType.Numeric:
                case CellType.Blank:
                case CellType.Boolean:
                case CellType.Error:
                case CellType.Formula:

        private static void CopyCellStyle(HSSFCell oldCell, XSSFCell newCell)
            if (oldCell.CellStyle == null) return;
            newCell.CellStyle = newCell.Sheet.Workbook.GetCellStyleAt((short)(oldCell.CellStyle.Index + 1));


        private static CellRangeAddress GetMergedRegion(HSSFSheet sheet, int rowNum, short cellNum)
            for (var i = 0; i < sheet.NumMergedRegions; i++)
                var merged = sheet.GetMergedRegion(i);
                if (merged.IsInRange(rowNum, cellNum))
                    return merged;
            return null;

        private static bool IsNewMergedRegion(CellRangeAddress newMergedRegion,
                List<CellRangeAddress> mergedRegions)
            return !mergedRegions.Any(r =>
            r.FirstColumn == newMergedRegion.FirstColumn &&
            r.LastColumn == newMergedRegion.LastColumn &&
            r.FirstRow == newMergedRegion.FirstRow &&
            r.LastRow == newMergedRegion.LastRow);

It is possible in general, but not quite easy, rather it is significantly complicated task. 这通常是可能的,但不是很容易,而是非常复杂的任务。

XLS file format is handled by HSSFWorkbook class (and according HSSFSheet and so on). XLS文件格式由HSSFWorkbook类(并根据HSSFSheet等)处理。
XLSX file format is handled by XSSFWorkbook class (and XSSFSheet and so on). XLSX文件格式由XSSFWorkbook类(和XSSFSheet等)处理。

So in order to save your file as XLSX after you opened and modified it using NPOI, you need to create new XSSFWorkbook , then for each worksheet of your source file you need to create appropriate XSSFSheet , copy data to it from your original worksheet and so on until you will get full copy of your data, and then save workbook to file. 因此,为了在使用NPOI打开并修改文件后将文件保存为XLSX,您需要创建新的XSSFWorkbook ,然后对于源文件的每个工作表,您需要创建适当的XSSFSheet ,从原始工作表中复制数据等等。直到您将获得数据的完整副本,然后将工作簿保存到文件。

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