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[英]How to find path of root to node in xml with c#?

I want to load all of element in memory and find a list of root to node paths for them. 我想将所有元素加载到内存中,并找到它们的根到节点路径的列表。 for example in this XML : 例如在以下XML中:

                <title>Annotated Bibliography on Data Design.</title>
                    <author position="00">Anthony I. Wasserman</author>
                    <author position="01">Karen Botnich</author>
                <title>Architecture of Future Data Base Systems.</title>
                    <author position="00">Lawrence A. Rowe</author>
                    <author position="01">Michael Stonebraker</author>
                <title>Database Directions III Workshop Review.</title>
                    <author position="00">Tom Cook</author>
                <title>Errors in 'Process Synchronization in Database Systems'.</title>
                    <author position="00">Philip A. Bernstein</author>
                    <author position="01">Marco A. Casanova</author>
                    <author position="02">Nathan Goodman</author>

the answer must be something like this : 答案一定是这样的:
1 /SigmodRecord 1 / SigmodRecord
2 /SigmodRecord/issue 2 / SigmodRecord /问题
3 /SigmodRecord/issue/volume 3 / SigmodRecord /问题/卷
4 /SigmodRecord/issue/number 4 / SigmodRecord /问题/编号
5 /SigmodRecord/issue/articles 5 / SigmodRecord /问题/文章
6 /SigmodRecord/issue/articles/article 6 / SigmodRecord /问题/文章/文章
7 /SigmodRecord/issue/articles/article/title 7 / SigmodRecord /问题/文章/文章/标题
8 /SigmodRecord/issue/articles/article/authors 8 / SigmodRecord /问题/文章/文章/作者
9 /SigmodRecord/issue/articles/article/initPage 9 / SigmodRecord /问题/文章/文章/ initPage
10 /SigmodRecord/issue/articles/article/endPage 10 / SigmodRecord / issue / articles / article / endPage
11 /SigmodRecord/issue/articles/article/authors/author 11 / SigmodRecord /问题/文章/文章/作者/作者

You can use XLinq to query the XML document and fetch root nodes and it`s descendants. 您可以使用XLinq查询XML文档,并获取根节点及其后代。

    XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load("myXml.xml");
    XElement element = null;
    var descendants=element.DescendantsAndSelf(); //Returns collection of descancdants
    var descendants=element.DescendantsAndSelf("nodeName");//Filters to send only nodes with specified name.

Hope it helps!!! 希望能帮助到你!!!

One possible way, by recursively extracting path for each XML element * : 一种可能的方法是,递归地为每个XML元素*提取路径:

public static List<string> GetXpaths(XDocument doc)
    var xpathList = new List<string>();
    var xpath = "";
    foreach(var child in doc.Elements())
        GetXPaths(child, ref xpathList, xpath);
    return xpathList;

public static void GetXPaths(XElement node, ref List<string> xpathList, string xpath)
    xpath += "/" + node.Name.LocalName;
    if (!xpathList.Contains(xpath))

    foreach(XElement child in node.Elements())
        GetXPaths(child, ref xpathList, xpath);

Usage example in console application : 控制台应用程序中的用法示例:

var doc = XDocument.Load("path_to_your_file.xml");
var result = GetXpaths(doc);
foreach(var path in result)

.NET Fiddle demo .NET Fiddle演示

* ) Adapted from my old answer to another question . * )从我以前的答案改编为另一个问题 Note that this only worked for simple XML without namespace. 请注意,这仅适用于没有名称空间的简单XML。

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