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SocketServer rfile.read()非常慢

[英]SocketServer rfile.read() very very slow

I am building an HTTPS proxy which can forward all SSL traffic. 我正在构建一个可以转发所有SSL流量的HTTPS代理。 It is called a transparent tunneling. 它被称为透明隧道。 Anyway, I have a problem with Python's socketserver. 无论如何,我的Python socketserver有问题。 When I called rfile.read(), it takes a very long time to return. 当我调用rfile.read()时,返回需要很长时间。 Even I used select to make sure the I/O is ready, it still takes a very long time. 即使我使用select来确保I / O准备就绪,它仍然需要很长时间。 Usually 30s and the client's socket is closed because of timeout. 通常30秒,客户端的套接字因超时而关闭。 I cannot make the socket unblocking, because I need to read the data first, and then forward all the data I just read to remote server, it must be returned with data first. 我无法使套接字解除阻塞,因为我需要先读取数据,然后将刚读取的所有数据转发到远程服务器,首先必须返回数据。

My code is following: 我的代码如下:

import SocketServer
import BaseHTTPServer
import socket
import threading
import httplib
import time
import os
import urllib
import ssl
import copy

from history import *
from http import *
from https import *
from logger import Logger

DEFAULT_CERT_FILE = "./cert/ncerts/proxpy.pem"

proxystate = None

class ProxyHandler(SocketServer.StreamRequestHandler):
    def __init__(self, request, client_address, server):
        self.peer = False
        self.keepalive = False
        self.target = None
        self.tunnel_mode = False
        self.forwardSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        # Just for debugging
        self.counter = 0
        self._host = None
        self._port = 0

        SocketServer.StreamRequestHandler.__init__(self, request, client_address, server)

    def createConnection(self, host, port):
        global proxystate

        if self.target and self._host == host:
            return self.target

            # If a SSL tunnel was established, create a HTTPS connection to the server
            if self.peer:
                conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(host, port)
                # HTTP Connection
                conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(host, port)
        except HTTPException as e:

        # If we need a persistent connection, add the socket to the dictionary
        if self.keepalive:
            self.target = conn

        self._host = host
        self._port = port

        return conn

    def sendResponse(self, res):

    def finish(self):
        if not self.keepalive:
            if self.target:
            return SocketServer.StreamRequestHandler.finish(self)

        # Otherwise keep-alive is True, then go on and listen on the socket
        return self.handle()

    def handle(self):
        global proxystate

        if self.keepalive:
            if self.peer:

            # Just debugging
            if self.counter > 0:
                proxystate.log.debug(str(self.client_address) + ' socket reused: ' + str(self.counter))
            self.counter += 1

        if self.tunnel_mode:
            print "++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
            req=self.rfile.read(4096) #This is the line take very lone time!
            print "----------------------------------"
            data = self.doFORWARD(req)
            print "**************************************"
            if len(data)!=0:

            req = HTTPRequest.build(self.rfile)
        except Exception as e:
            proxystate.log.debug(e.__str__() + ": Error on reading request message")

        if req is None:

        # Delegate request to plugin
        req = ProxyPlugin.delegate(ProxyPlugin.EVENT_MANGLE_REQUEST, req.clone())

        # if you need a persistent connection set the flag in order to save the status
        if req.isKeepAlive():
            self.keepalive = True
            self.keepalive = False

        # Target server host and port
        host, port = ProxyState.getTargetHost(req)

        if req.getMethod() == HTTPRequest.METHOD_GET:
            res = self.doGET(host, port, req)
        elif req.getMethod() == HTTPRequest.METHOD_POST:
            res = self.doPOST(host, port, req)
        elif req.getMethod() == HTTPRequest.METHOD_CONNECT:
            res = self.doCONNECT(host, port, req)

    def _request(self, conn, method, path, params, headers):
        global proxystate
        conn.putrequest(method, path, skip_host = True, skip_accept_encoding = True)
        for header,v in headers.iteritems():
            # auto-fix content-length
            if header.lower() == 'content-length':
                conn.putheader(header, str(len(params)))
                for i in v:
                    conn.putheader(header, i)

        if len(params) > 0:

    def doRequest(self, conn, method, path, params, headers):
        global proxystate
            self._request(conn, method, path, params, headers)
            return True
        except IOError as e:
            proxystate.log.error("%s: %s:%d" % (e.__str__(), conn.host, conn.port))
            return False

    def doCONNECT(self, host, port, req):
        #global proxystate
        self.tunnel_mode = True
        self.tunnel_host = host
        self.tunnel_port = port
        #socket_req = self.request
        #certfilename = DEFAULT_CERT_FILE
        #socket_ssl = ssl.wrap_socket(socket_req, server_side = True, certfile = certfilename, 
                                     #ssl_version = ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23, do_handshake_on_connect = False)
        #print "Send ack to the peer %s on port %d for establishing SSL tunnel" % (host, port)
        print "into forward mode: %s : %s" % (host, port)
        host, port = socket_req.getpeername()
        proxystate.log.debug("Send ack to the peer %s on port %d for establishing SSL tunnel" % (host, port))

        while True:
            except (ssl.SSLError, IOError) as e:
                # proxystate.log.error(e.__str__())
                print e.__str__()

        # Switch to new socket
        self.peer    = True
        self.request = socket_ssl

    def doFORWARD(self, data):
        host, port = self.request.getpeername()
        #print "client_host", host
        #print "client_port", port
            print "%s:%s===>data read, now sending..."%(host,port)
            print data
            print "%s:%s===>sent %d bytes to server"%(host,port,len(data))
            select.select([self.forwardSocket], [], [])
            chunk = self.forwardSocket.recv(4096)
            print chunk
            print "%s:%s===>receive %d bytes from server"%(host,port,len(chunk))
            return chunk
        except socket.error as e:
            print e.__str__()
            return ''

class ThreadedHTTPProxyServer(SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn, SocketServer.TCPServer):
    allow_reuse_address = True

class ProxyServer():    
    def __init__(self, init_state):
        global proxystate
        proxystate = init_state
        self.proxyServer_port = proxystate.listenport
        self.proxyServer_host = proxystate.listenaddr

    def startProxyServer(self):
        global proxystate

        self.proxyServer = ThreadedHTTPProxyServer((self.proxyServer_host, self.proxyServer_port), ProxyHandler)

        # Start a thread with the server (that thread will then spawn a worker
        # thread for each request)
        server_thread = threading.Thread(target = self.proxyServer.serve_forever)

        # Exit the server thread when the main thread terminates
        proxystate.log.info("Server %s listening on port %d" % (self.proxyServer_host, self.proxyServer_port))

        while True:

This is driving me crazy, because when I forward normal HTTP traffic, the read() returns immediately with the data. 这让我很生气,因为当我转发正常的HTTP流量时,read()会立即返回数据。 But every time when the client sent SSL traffic (binary), the read() takes very long time to return! 但每当客户端发送SSL流量(二进制)时,read()需要很长时间才能返回! And I think there is some mechanics that the read() only returns when the request socket is closed by remote client. 我认为有一些机制,read()仅在远程客户端关闭请求套接字时返回。 Does anyone know how to make the read() fast? 有谁知道如何快速读取()? I tried recv() and readline(), both of them is as slow as read() when handling binary traffic! 我尝试了recv()和readline(),它们在处理二进制流量时和read()一样慢!

I had similar problem on my python server while trying to send image to it via http. 我尝试通过http向它发送图像时,我的python服务器上遇到了类似的问题。

rfile.read took 1700ms for a 800kb image and 4500ms for a 4.5mb image. 对于800kb图像,rfile.read需要1700ms,对于4.5mb图像需要4500ms。 I was also doing this through a limited network speed on a vpn. 我也是通过vpn上有限的网络速度来做到这一点的。

It appears that the rfile.read downloads/uploads the file. 似乎rfile.read下载/上传文件。 By improving connection/network speed between client-server i have reduced 1700ms read to less than 50ms. 通过提高客户端 - 服务器之间的连接/网络速度,我将读取的时间减少了1700ms,小于50ms。

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