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[英]How to change the linewidth of hatch in matplotlib?

Is there a way to increase the width of hatch in matplotlib? 有没有办法增加matplotlib中的影线宽度?

For example, the following code by specifying linewidth only changes the width of the edge. 例如,以下代码通过指定linewidth仅更改边的宽度。 I want to change the linewidth of the line used for hatch. 我想改变用于舱口的线的线宽。

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

x = np.random.randn(100)

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.hist(x, fill=False, hatch='/', linewidth=2)


As of matplotlib version 2.0, you can directly change the linewidth parameter , as follows: 从matplotlib 2.0版开始,您可以直接更改linewidth参数 ,如下所示:

import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.rcParams['hatch.linewidth'] = 0.1  # previous pdf hatch linewidth
mpl.rcParams['hatch.linewidth'] = 1.0  # previous svg hatch linewidth

This seems a better workaround than what folks have above. 这似乎是比上面的人更好的解决方法。 You can check the matplotlib version by: 您可以通过以下方式检查matplotlib版本:

import matplotlib as mpl
print(mpl.__version__) # should be 2.x.y

If you use pdf and have sudo rights you can change it in backend_pdf.py. 如果您使用pdf并拥有sudo权限,则可以在backend_pdf.py中进行更改。 There is a line 有一条线

self.output(0.1, Op.setlinewidth)

Usually it is located in /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/backends/backend_pdf.py . 通常它位于/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/backends/backend_pdf.py中。

Also someone wrote a hack to do this from your script (still need sudo rights to execute). 还有人写了一个黑客来从你的脚本执行此操作(仍然需要执行sudo权限)。 Solution from here: http://micol.tistory.com/358 解决方案来自: http//micol.tistory.com/358

import os
import re
import matplotlib

def setHatchThickness(value):
libpath = matplotlib.__path__[0]
backend_pdf = libpath + "/backends/backend_pdf.py"
with open(backend_pdf, "r") as r:
    code = r.read()
    code = re.sub(r'self\.output\((\d+\.\d+|\d+)\,\ Op\.setlinewidth\)',
                   "self.output(%s, Op.setlinewidth)" % str(value), code)
    with open('/tmp/hatch.tmp', "w") as w:
    print backend_pdf
    os.system('sudo mv /tmp/hatch.tmp %s' % backend_pdf)


There is a solution which is very hacky, but allows you to do what you want without changing matplotlib internal files: you can monkey patch the writeHatches of PdfFile like so: 有一个非常hacky的解决方案,但允许你做你想要的而不改变matplotlib内部文件:你可以修补PdfFile的writeHatches,如下所示:

# make sure you have the correct imports,
# they may differ depending on the matplotlib version
import matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf
from matplotlib.externals import six
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import Name, Op
from matplotlib.transforms import Affine2D

def setCustomHatchWidth(customWidth):

     def _writeHatches(self):
        COPY CODE FROM matplotlib.__path__[0] + "/backends/backend_pdf.py" HERE
        change the line 
            self.output(0.1, Op.setlinewidth)
            self.output(customWidth, Op.setlinewidth)

    matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf.PdfFile.writeHatches = _writeHatches

You can then do 然后你可以做


before saving you figure as pdf. 在保存之前你的数字是pdf。

I have a workaround that may help some. 我有一个可能有帮助的解决方法。 I use this when making my final plots for reports. 我在制作报告的最终图时使用了这个。 The width of the hatch is affected by the dpi setting in 阴影线的宽度受dpi设置的影响


The following figure is done at 80 DPI 下图是在80 DPI下完成的 在此输入图像描述

Then 然后 在此输入图像描述 again at 400 DPI 再次在400 DPI

I fully understand that this may introduce other issues, but I figured it is worth the mention. 我完全明白这可能会引入其他问题,但我认为值得一提。

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