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[英]VBA Coding to pull data

I have 50 .xls files saved on a shared drive by the name of users. 我用用户名在共享驱动器上保存了50个.xls文件。 Eg: "Rahul Goswami.xls", "Rohit Sharma.xls", etc. 例如:“ Rahul Goswami.xls”,“ Rohit Sharma.xls”等

Each Excel file contains 2 worksheets: "Case Tracker" and "Pending Tracker". 每个Excel文件包含2个工作表:“ Case Tracker”和“ Pending Tracker”。

In the "Case Tracker" worksheet users put their daily data/ daily production. 用户在“ Case Tracker”工作表中输入每日数据/每日产量。

I wanted VBA code to pull the entire "Case Tracker" worksheet from all 50 Excel files in one separate Excel workbook, one below the other. 我希望VBA代码从一个单独的Excel工作簿中的所有50个Excel文件中提取整个“案例跟踪器”工作表,一个在另一个工作簿下。

Currently I am copy-pasting the data from the Excel files to the master workbook to "Sheet1". 目前,我正在将数据从Excel文件复制粘贴到主工作簿中,然后粘贴到“ Sheet1”。

Can there be something where I put the date and the data will come automatically for that date from all the 50 files? 我可以在其中放置日期,并且所有50个文件中的该日期的数据都会自动出现吗?

Column A to J contains the data provided below. A到J列包含下面提供的数据。 This example is given for 1 user. 该示例仅针对1位用户。

Date    Advisor            Userid      BP         URN            Stage  Case Type  Previous Status       Current status        Category
10-Apr  Rahul Goswami      goswami     123456     98765431       1      URN        New                   Pend                  abc
Sub Beachson()

Dim z As Long, e As Long, d As Long, G As Long, h As Long Dim f As String 

d = 2 
Cells(1, 1) = "=cell(""filename"")" 
Cells(1, 2) = "=left(A1,find(""["",A1)-1)" 
Cells(2, 1).Select 
f = Dir(Cells(1, 2) & "*.xls") 

Do While Len(f) > 0 
    ## Heading ## 
    ActiveCell.Formula = f
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
    f = Dir()

z = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row 

For e = 2 To z 
    If Cells(e, 1) <> ActiveWorkbook.Name Then 
        Cells(d, 2) = Cells(e, 1) 
        Cells(1, 4) = "=Counta('" & Cells(1, 2) & "[" & Cells(e, 1) & "]Case Tracker'!I:I)" 
        For h = 10 To Cells(1, 4) 
            For G = 1 To 10 
                Cells(1, 3) = "='" & Cells(1, 2) & "[" & Cells(e, 1) & "]Case Tracker'!" & Chr(G + 64) & h  
                Cells(d, G + 2) = Cells(1, 3) 
            Next G 
            d = d + 1 
        Next h 
    End If 
    d = d + 1 
Next e 

MsgBox "collating is complete."

End Sub

I would avoid storing information in sheet, then going to VBA, then again to sheet, etc. 我会避免将信息存储在表格中,然后再转到VBA,再到表格中,依此类推。

As for your problem of not being able to pull data when a file is open, I would suggest creating another instance of Excel.Application and opening files from it in ReadOnly mode. 至于打开文件时无法拉数据的问题,我建议创建另一个Excel.Application并以ReadOnly模式从中打开文件。

This is the code which worked for me (the ability to find particular dates is also implemented): 这是对我有用的代码(还可以找到特定日期):

Sub Beachson2()

Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add(After:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets(ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count))
Dim App As Object
Set App = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Dim wsSource As Worksheet
Dim sFold As String
sFold = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\"
Dim sFile As String
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim cell As Range

' Setting date
Dim sInput As String, dInput As Date
sInput = Application.InputBox("Enter A Date")
If IsDate(sInput) Then
    dInput = DateValue(sInput)
    MsgBox "Invalid date. Exiting..."
    Exit Sub
End If

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

' Pulling data
i = 1
sFile = Dir(sFold & "\*.xls")
Do While sFile <> ""
    If sFile <> sFold & ThisWorkbook.Name Then
        Set wsSource = App.Workbooks.Open(Filename:=sFold & sFile, ReadOnly:=True).Sheets("Case Tracker")
        For Each cell In wsSource.Range("A1:A" & wsSource.UsedRange.Rows.Count)
            If cell.Value = CStr(dInput) Then
                With ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)
                    If IsEmpty(.Value2) Then
                        .Value2 = sFile
                    ElseIf .Value2 <> sFile Then
                        .Offset(1).Value2 = sFile
                        'do nothing
                    End If
                End With
                If ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Value2 <> sFile Then
                    ws.Cells(i, 2).Value2 = sFile
                End If
                For j = 3 To 12
                    ws.Cells(i, j).Value = wsSource.Cells(cell.Row, j - 2).Value
                i = i + 1
            End If
    End If
    sFile = Dir()

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

MsgBox "collating is complete."

Set App = Nothing
End Sub

The code is stored in the master file. 该代码存储在主文件中。

Even in the code there is no one specific Date format defined, but I still think it is capable of causing problems. 即使在代码中也没有定义任何一种特定的Date格式,但是我仍然认为它能够引起问题。 If you find problems regarding date formats, please post your used date format. 如果您发现有关日期格式的问题,请发布您使用的日期格式。

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