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[英]Using Geokit-Rails, How can I find all fields within a distance OR have a bit value set to 1

I have a project where users can search for results within a specified distance of their location, eg within 10 miles of their postcode. 我有一个项目,用户可以在其位置的指定距离内(例如其邮政编码的10英里之内)搜索结果。 I am using geokit-rails for this and it works great using the simple: 我为此使用geokit-rails,使用简单的方法效果很好:

.within(@distance, :origin => @latlng)

However there are some results that are not dependant on location so I would like them to always appear in the search, this will be denoted by a bit property called 'remote' set to 1 if it should be included. 但是,有些结果与位置无关,因此我希望它们始终出现在搜索中,这将由称为'remote'的位属性(如果应包含在内)设置为1来表示。

So what I need to do is be able to search for all results where the Distance is less than X OR remote equals 1. 因此,我需要做的是能够搜索距离小于X或远程等于1的所有结果。

Is there any way to do this, or will I have to make 2 db calls and merge the results? 有什么方法可以执行此操作,还是我必须进行2次数据库调用并合并结果?

Many thanks 非常感谢

distance attribute was removed from the lib, but there are some workaround about how include again, already included can add a condition for your attribute distance with the attribute remote. distance属性已从库中删除,但是有一些变通方法,关于如何再次包含,已经包含可以为您的属性与remote属性的距离添加条件。

module Geokit::ActsAsMappable
  module ClassMethods
    # Overwrite Geokit `within`
    def within(distance, options = {})
      options[:within] = distance

      # Have to copy the options because `build_distance_sql` will delete them.
      conditions = distance_conditions(options.dup)
      sql = build_distance_sql(options)
        "#{sql} AS #{self.distance_column_name}, #{table_name}.*"

    # Overwrite Geokit `by_distance`
    def by_distance(options = {})
      sql = build_distance_sql(options)
      self.select("#{sql} AS #{self.distance_column_name}, #{table_name}.*"
      ).order("#{self.distance_column_name} ASC")


    # Copied from geokit-rails/lib/geokit-rails/acts_as_mappable.rb
    # Extract distance_sql building to method `build_distance_sql`.
    def build_distance_sql(options)
      origin  = extract_origin_from_options(options)
      units   = extract_units_from_options(options)
      formula = extract_formula_from_options(options)

      distance_sql(origin, units, formula)

https://github.com/geokit/geokit-rails/issues/56 https://github.com/geokit/geokit-rails/issues/56

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