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如何使用Facebook PHP SDK正确处理非光标分页?

[英]How should I properly handle non-cursor pagination with the Facebook PHP SDK?

I am using a few of the Facebook Graph API methods that have pagination successfully using cursor-based pagination, similar to this: 我正在使用一些Facebook Graph API方法,这些方法已成功使用基于光标的分页进行分页,类似于:

echo '<ul>';
$params = array('limit' => 10);

do {
    $groups = (new FacebookRequest(
        $session, 'GET', '/me/groups', $params
    if (null !== $groups->getProperty('paging') && null != $groups->getProperty('paging')->getProperty('next')) {
        $params = array('limit' => 10, 'after' => $groups->getProperty('paging')->getProperty('cursors')->getProperty('after'));
    } else {
        $params = null;
    foreach ($groups->getProperty('data')->asArray() as $group) {
        echo '<li><a href="#" data-group-id="' . $group->id . '" class="group-id">' . $group->name . '</a></li>';
} while ($params !== null);
echo '</ul>';

This simple code will grab all the groups of the current user. 这个简单的代码将捕获当前用户的所有组。 It checks that the paging and paging / next properties are present and if so uses the cursor to setup another iteration of the loop. 它检查是否存在pagingpaging / next属性,如果存在,则使用cursor设置循环的另一个迭代。 I realise now this could probably have been done better as the cursor isn't always available. 我意识到现在可能会做得更好,因为光标并不总是可用。 When I use the /{group-id}/feed API endpoint there are the previous and next links but no cursor. 当我使用/{group-id}/feed API端点时,存在上一个和下一个链接,但没有光标。

So, how am I supposed to make paginated requests when there is no cursor with the Facebook PHP SDK? 那么, 当Facebook PHP SDK没有光标时,我应该如何发出分页请求?

I see other answers suggesting using cURL or even file_get_contents to grab the next and previous URLs but that seems very silly considering I'm using the PHP SDK here - surely there's a built-in way? 我看到其他答案建议使用cURL或什至file_get_contents来获取nextprevious URL,但是考虑到我在这里使用PHP SDK,这似乎很愚蠢-当然有一种内置方法吗?

I'm using facebook/php-sdk-v4 with Composer - there doesn't seem to be the (old?) $facebook->api(...) functionality availble here either. 我在Composer使用facebook/php-sdk-v4 似乎这里没有(旧的) $facebook->api(...)功能。

Have a look at 看一下

There is a method getRequestForNextPage() in the PHP SDK v4.0.0. PHP SDK v4.0.0中有一个方法getRequestForNextPage()

// A FacebookResponse is returned from an executed FacebookRequest
try {
  $response = (new FacebookRequest($session, 'GET', '/me'))->execute();
  // You can get the request back:
  $request = $response->getRequest();
  // You can get the response as a GraphObject:
  $object = $response->getGraphObject();
  // You can get the response as a subclass of GraphObject:
  $me = $response->getGraphObject(GraphUser::className());
  // If this response has multiple pages, you can get a request for the next or previous pages:
  $nextPageRequest = $response->getRequestForNextPage();
  $previousPageRequest = $response->getRequestForPreviousPage();
} catch (FacebookRequestException $ex) {
  echo $ex->getMessage();
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
  echo $ex->getMessage();

By looking at the source code at 通过查看以下源代码

it just handles the next property: 它只是处理next属性:

return $this->handlePagination('next');

IMHO, using the next property as a default should be fine, opposed to cursors . 恕我直言,相对于cursors ,使用next属性作为默认值应该没问题。 Furthermore, I don't even see a cursors property when querying a sample group's feed, so this might be obsolete. 此外,查询样本组的供稿时,我什至没有看到cursors属性,因此这可能已过时。

References: 参考文献:

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