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[英]String and add special characters from a list in Haskell

In Haskell I used to use filter to strip set of numbers from a list. 在Haskell中,我曾经使用过滤器从列表中剥离数字集。 However, I have not been able to make it working with this particular case. 但是,我无法使其适用于这种特殊情况。

I have a list of strings as follow: 我有一个字符串列表,如下所示:


I want to string the [] and "" so the final string is (with spaces): 我想将[]""字符串化,所以最后一个字符串是(带空格):


shouldn't a simple filter like print filter([) ["A","B","C","D","E","F","A","B","N"] remove the [ ? 不应使用像print filter([) ["A","B","C","D","E","F","A","B","N"]这样的简单过滤print filter([) ["A","B","C","D","E","F","A","B","N"]删除[

update: 更新:

I read over this document and was able to get the following result: 我阅读了这份文件 ,并得到以下结果:

let example = (concat (intersperse " " ["A","B","C","D","E","F","A","B","N"]))
print example
-- this prints "A B C D E F A B N"

However, when I use this : 但是,当我使用这个:

-- where createalphs create a list of strings
-- and userinput is a string entered by the user 

let setofalph = ($ createalphs $ words userinput)
let example = (concat (intersperse " " setofalph))
print example

I get this error 我得到这个错误

Couldn't match expected type `[[Char]]'
In the second argument of `intersperse', namely `setofalph'
In the first argument of `concat', namely
  `(intersperse " " setofalph)'
In the expression: (concat (intersperse " " setofalph))

unwords works fine: unwords正常工作:

λ> unwords ["A","B","C","D","E","F","A","B","N"]
"A B C D E F A B N"

Additionally, Data.List.intersperse would help, along with concat . 另外, Data.List.intersperseconcat也会有所帮助。

import Data.List

solution :: [String] -> String
solution =  concat . intersperse " "

What this does is separate each value in the list with " " , then join (concatenate) the lists together. 这是用" "分隔列表中的每个值,然后将列表连接(连接)在一起。

If you want to separate with ", " , you can easily change the above function: 如果要用", "分隔,则可以轻松更改上述功能:

solution :: [String] -> String
solution =  concat . intersperse ", "

so that: 以便:

λ> solution ["A","B","C","D","E","F","A","B","N"]
"A, B, C, D, E, F, A, B, N"
λ> putStrLn $ solution ["A","B","C","D","E","F","A","B","N"]
A, B, C, D, E, F, A, B, N

To put this into the context of your IO: 要将其放入您的IO上下文中:

main = do
  x <- getLine
  putStrLn $ solution $ createalphs $ words x

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