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[英]Reading continuous data from a named pipe

I have been trying to read continuous data from a named pipe. 我一直在尝试从命名管道读取连续数据。 But for some reason if I don't put a delay, the receiver will just stop reading and only a blank screen is shown after a few samples. 但是由于某种原因,如果我不延迟,接收器将停止读取,并且在几个采样后仅显示空白屏幕。

I need to send continuous data that might change in milliseconds, so that's why putting a delay wouldn't work. 我需要发送可能以毫秒为单位更改的连续数据,所以这就是为什么延迟不起作用的原因。 I am trying to simulate it first using a while loop (the real script will be reading financial data). 我试图首先使用while循环对其进行仿真(真正的脚本将读取财务数据)。 This is my first attempt: 这是我的第一次尝试:

This is the sender, a python script: 这是发件人,一个python脚本:

import os
import time

    os.remove("/tmp/pipe7")    # delete
    print "Pipe already exists"
os.mkfifo("/tmp/pipe7")    # Create pipe
x = 0
while True:
    x = time.time()
    pipe = open("/tmp/pipe7", "w")
    line = str(x) + "\r\n\0"


os.remove("/tmp/pipe7")    # delete

This is the receiver in C/C++: 这是C / C ++中的接收者:

#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <iostream>

#include <sys/stat.h>

#define MAX_BUF 1024

using namespace std;

int main()


        char buf[MAX_BUF];
        memset (buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); //Clearing the message buffer
        int fd = open("/tmp/pipe7", O_RDONLY);  // Open the pipe
        read(fd, buf, MAX_BUF);                         // Read the message - unblock the writing process
        cout << buf << endl;
        close(fd);                                 // Close the pipe

    return 0;

What's wrong with my approach? 我的方法有什么问题? And what's the best way to communicate continuously between the two programs using pipes? 使用管道在两个程序之间进行连续通信的最佳方法是什么?

First, you don't need to open/close the pipe for each I/O operation. 首先,您不需要为每个I / O操作打开/关闭管道。 Eventually you might need to flush the output after each writing though. 最终,您可能需要在每次写入后刷新输出。

Then, as you output line-based text data, you cannot really rely on a fixed width reading to get back your data. 然后,当您输出基于行的文本数据时,您实际上不能真正依靠固定宽度的读取来取回数据。 Given your example, I would simply read into a string -- and the istream should read up to the next blank (here \\n\\r ) 在您的示例中,我将简单地读入一个字符串istream应该读到下一个空格(此处为\\n\\r

All of this lead to something like that (untested -- beware of typos!): 所有这些都会导致类似的结果(未经测试-小心输入错误!):

with open("/tmp/pipe7", "w") as pipe:
    while True:
        x = time.time()
        line = str(x) + "\r\n"
        # in real code, should somehow break the loop at some point

std::ifstream  pipe("/tmp/pipe7");  // Open the pipe
    std::string istr;

    pipe >> istr;        
    cout << istr << endl;
    # In real code, should somehow break the loop at some point


operator >> is overloaded to read string from an istream. operator >>被重载以从istream读取字符串。 In that case, it will extracts characters from the stream and stop as soon as either a whitespace character is encountered or the end-of-stream is encountered. 在这种情况下,它将从流中提取字符,并在遇到空白字符或流结束时立即停止。 Broadly speaking, this allow to read back the input "word by word". 广义上讲,这允许逐字读取输入。

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